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Then the sound of snapping

Is he really snapping his fingers?

I slowly move my hand to my forehead and can feel the throbbing pain.

"Oh I think she's waking up" Jake snickers to another "she hit her head pretty hard"

"She went down like rock" a voice jokes as I hear Jake swat him "What?! Is it not true? Thought she fucking died"

"I'm about to put you down with a rock in a second" Jake retorts back still in a playful tone.

I let out a groan as he turns his head back to me "Heeey....you ok there sunshine?" Jake grins looking down to me with Tsu'tey hovering behind him.

"I..ugh my head is killing me "

"Yeah you kind of took a nap out there" Jake says trying super hard not all right belly laugh at me. Both his arms on my side towering over me. 

We were back at Jake's home in my room.

"Probably because she had to look at you for the rest of her life" Tsu'tey taunts

"Please Ignore him. He's a homeless guy I found on the streets"

That comment only earns a punch to Jake's abdomen and it sounded like it actually hurt yet they don't seem to care.

They really did acted like brothers.

"Tsu'tey. Jake. Is this any respect you show for our home. Fighting? I told you two" Mo'at growls forcing both of them to sit.

Mo'at comes over to me.

The back of her hand touches my cheek and she whispers something to Eywa.

"You are ok" Mo'at tells me "we can thank Eywa for that" she sighs and suddenly from outside my room I hear yelling.

"What the fuck?! He can't do that! I was suppose to be the next fucking Olo'eyktan!" Dorin shouts walking. Back and forth. "This is not the Na'vi way"

Jake just laughs as he slouches down in his chair with both his arms stretched out and over the rim of his seat.

"Tsu'tey if you please" Mo'at tells him and he just sighs knowing she wanted to talk to us in private.

"Yes of course." Tsu'tey responds as he climbs out of the balcony window and jumps off on his Ikran.

"Mo'at do something!" My mother threatens walking into the room "This is the highest level of disrespect! We come here to bring peace and this is how we get spitted on?!"

"Mo'at! This is my right!" Dorin shouts "and claiming my fucking wife"

"Not wife. She technically is single." Jake corrects

"You did a whole stunt to undermine my efforts!"

All this yelling is only making my head pains worse. I try to sit up and speak but only get drowned out by everybody else.

"I really don't even remember you being there" Jake  taunts shrugging his shoulders at Dorin who is now inches from his face. "Dorin. You're way too comfortable getting this close to me" Jake turns his head to roll his eyes.

Both his broad arms still relaxed to their side.

"Mo'at! Speak to your son! He gave up the title it goes to the next family in line. It was ours! He can't simply just take it when he pleases."

Mo'at sighs looking over at Jake. The mess she has to clean up.

"Ok. Ok. Let us rest this issue for tonight." Mo'at asserts "then we will talk and come to an agreement in the morning."

IKIGAI / Jake Sully Where stories live. Discover now