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"Hey! Wait!"

I hear and suddenly get yanked from my arm as I dangle from the edge.

"Are you fucking crazy?!"

I look upwards to see Jake Sully. He had leaped out only holding onto a vine.

"Grab onto my hand!" He yells slowly losing grip onto my wrist. "Hurry up!"

I paused for a moment not sure if that was the right choice but ultimately I grabbed onto his forearm.

"Levi'tra!" My mom cries hugging me "What happened?! Don't tell me you were doing that..."


I didn't even know how to respond

"How many times do I have to tell you?!"

"She slipped" Jake responds to her. Calming the situation. "Saw it with my own eyes. Swear"

"Well."  Mo'at says "Then I'm glad you were there my son" Patting Jake's back. "Please. Levy come." She says wrapping me under her arm.

She glares at Jake as if shout behave.

The next morning my family stayed in the Hallelujah Mountains where the new Omatikaya tribe mirgrated to after the fall of Home Tree.

Mo'at was kind enough to let us stay in her home tree. It was large enough for all of us to have our own sleeping areas.

"Now make sure to flutter your eyes. Dorin likes soft woman so please stop with these fantasies...."

"What if I don't choose Dorin?" I respond back only to earn a slap from her.

"You need to be more gracious. To be chosen through out thousands" mother tells me "the next Olo'eyktan sees you and you think you have the luxury to choice."

All of us were forced to play nice as we joined for communion. I could literally die from the boredom.

Dorin speaks something and places a hand on my thigh. I try to shift away but he just pulls me back toward him and squeezes it.

The sound of an Ikran swings around and Toruk Makto jumps off.

"Jake" Mo'at calls him over

"I have to..."

"Nonsense my son! Come"

"Ok.." His tone dragged but ultimately he joins the rest the of us. Our eyes met for a minute but Jake quickly turns his attention to Mo'at.

One leg propped up to have a landing ground for right arm. His stature was much more bigger now up close. His hands could devour my face.

Jake reached over to Mo'at to grab a leaf.

He slowly wraps it into a cup before scooping up some of the food prepared. Two fingers touched his forehead while Jake closed his eyes before saying a small prayer to Eywa.

For being a sky person he has adapted so much I wouldn't be able to tell by looking at him.

There is tension between all of us until my mother breaks the silence.

"So Toruk Makto please, why don't you tell us about your victories. How was the war?"

"Pass" Jake responds only to be shoved by Mo'at

"Apologies for his rudeness. You know we are still going through losing Neytiri."

"Ah yes, your mate. Tragic really" Dorin responds "can't imagine how that must feel."

"Don't imagine it then" Jake responds and gets swat on his shoulder. "Ok ok sorry." He says putting his hands up In defense "I'll be quiet."

We spend most of the day walking through the massive crowds as Dorin speaks to the people. They seem confused as to why Toruk Makto is not the next Olo'eyktan.

The screeching sounds of the ikrans as they land and fly off the mountain is both terrifying and amazing.

I walk over to the edge seeing the beautiful floating rocks pass by through the clouds. They were so close I could reach out to touch it.

"Are you planning on jumping again?"

Getting startled a little it causes me to lose balance Jake reaches out to tug me back to the edge.

"Thank you" I responded back to look up at him.

We pause for moment. He looks so sad.

Suddenly I pull my hand back before anyone could see.

"I have to...um...go" I tell him who only nods

"I get it." Jake gives me half a smile "your duties and shit" 

As I begin to walk away I notice him pick a flower. Jake knelt down and mumbles something but all I hear is a number. "Day 621" he says before the wind blows the flower away.

"Is that 621 earth days? Since..."

Jake looks back not realizing I was still here

"Oh uh yeah. Since she died"

"So you pray for her every day since?"

"Seems like the right thing to do" he adds on looking back out toward the cliff. "Since we're sharing stuff why don't you share why you were crying? The other night I mean when you tried to off yourself"

I can feel my face become red "I wasn't...I"

"You definitely were" Jake responds

There is silence for a few seconds as I try to think of a way to push everything I feel into one easy answer but all I end up saying is


"I'm a human that got transferred into a Na'vi body. I think I get complicated"

Jake's demeanor was intimidating even when he didn't mean to be.


"Levy!" Dorin calls running over to me "I've been looking for you. Why are you over here? You know you'll get dirty."

He tries to lean down to kiss me but I just wiggle around him.

"Oh...uhhhhh...you're right. I think I hear my mother calling me." I say turning to look over at Jake. "I'll see you around. Thank you again"

Before I take off with Dorin following me.

IKIGAI / Jake Sully Where stories live. Discover now