♥ Misfortune ♥

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♥ Misfortune ♥

"You're being let go." Mr. Han placed a stack of documents in front of me with a sympathetic frown. "As you know, things are tough right now, and we had no choice but to make staff cuts to lower our costs. I can no longer afford to keep you as my assistant. I'm sorry, miss y/n. Please pack up your belongings and leave the office by the end of the day."

And that was how I ended up curled up in a ball on my couch, tissues and wrappers scattered across my living room table, with my mascara running down my cheeks, and my best friend staring at me with a mixture of pity and disgust. I'd spent four years of my life at that company only to have it ripped away from me in a matter of minutes. Going above and beyond day in and day out had been meaningless. At the end of the day I was still nothing to them.

"You have got to stop ugly crying," Taehyung groaned. "It's been a week! That company- your boss especially, isn't shedding any tears for you, so stop crying over them."

That was my best friend, tough love.

I wiped my eyes and sat up. "That's not even the half of my problems. My lease is up this month, too."

He sucked his teeth and shook his head. "Well, while you were binge watching dramas, I happened upon the perfect solution to all of your problems."

"You want me to move in with you?"

He choked on his own spit, erupting into a coughing fit, before chucking a throw pillow at my head. "Absolutely not. This isn't one of your dramas and I'm not your male lead."

"Tch." I rolled my eyes. "I wouldn't even want you as my second male lead."

He gave me a look as though to say *we both know I'm a catch*, which was annoying, albeit true. "Anyways, as I was saying, I have a solution for you. A friend of mine is an executive for some big shot entertainment company, and his boss is looking for an administrative assistant. I can't promise you the job but I can get you an interview. Plus, it's a live-in position so you'll have a place to live...that isn't with me."

"The boss of an executive? So, the CEO?" I crossed my arms in front of my chest. "You want me to go live with some random old man? That was your perfect solution?"

"He's not an old man- he's younger than me."

"Thanks, Tae. Somehow that makes it more creepy."

"Look, the company operates a little differently. Everyone works nights, and most of the execs have live-in employees to help with things during daytime hours." Taehyung softened his tone. "I wouldn't have suggested it if I thought something was weird. I trust my friend, and he promised that it's legit. He says the work is hard but the pay is well worth it."

I wanted to argue, but if I was honest I didn't really have a choice but to go to the interview. With no income, I had no shot of finding a new place to live. Even if I somehow managed it, my savings would dwindle down to nothing before long, given how expensive it was to rent. I had gotten lucky with my current place, but renewing the lease wasn't an option since the owners were selling the building. I could find a job easily enough, but finding one that could allow me to live alone, and close to the city, would be nearly impossible. When it rains it certainly does pour. I had to try for this job.

"Ugh! Fine," I relented. "You're right. I'll go to the interview."

"Great!" Taehyung clapped his hands together. "Now, I'm going to go, and you should probably do something about all of...that." He pointed to my face, which was no doubt a red, runny mess of makeup which I'm not sure why I even bothered putting on.

"Yeah, yeah. Later."

My phone dinged and an email popped up from presumably the company at the center of all of this- Jeon Global Media. My hand shot up to my mouth as I read the name and I nearly dropped my phone, only just catching it with the tips of my fingers. JGM was the biggest name in the entertainment industry. Securing a job there would guarantee not only a massive paycheck, but also your ability to get a job basically anywhere in the future. I wanted to be excited, but instead I felt sick with nerves.

It's not like I wasn't qualified for the position, per say. I'd graduated from a prestigious university, interned all through my schooling, and worked as an executive level administrative assistant for the past four years. Granted, it was for a much smaller company, but it was experience nonetheless. Still, when I thought about the types of people who would be applying for JGM, my chances of getting the job felt hopeless. They would no doubt be the top of the top.

A quick internet search revealed that the JGM CEO's name was Jeon Jungkook. Taehyung had been telling the truth- this guy was young, only in his 20s, a couple of years older than me. He'd inherited the company from his father only a few years ago and had grown it into what it was today. Not much else was written about him, just that he was a quiet man who kept to himself, free of scandals and drama. The perfect, well-mannered CEO. If the flowery words written about him were true, being his assistant would be a breeze.

There was another important thing to make note of. Jeon Jungkook was seriously one of the most beautiful men I'd ever seen in my life. For that reason, I have no shame in admitting, I spent the next several hours holding a hundred different combinations of outfits against my body. I hair masked, face masked, full body masked. Plucked. Shaved. Scrubbed. I transformed into a new version of myself. If Tae could've seen me he would roast me and tell me I need to stop watching so many dramas and that I'm not some heroine the CEO will fall in love with. But there's no harm in dreaming.

After a miserable week of self-pity and isolation, I was finally feeling myself again. For the first time since I'd lost my job, I felt excited about the future. I wasn't the type of person to lie down and die without a fight, so even if it was a one in a million chance that I got this new position, I knew I had to give it my best shot. The reason for my sudden burst of motivation may have been silly hormone driven attraction, but who cares? It worked.

Looking over myself in the mirror, I hummed a sigh of contentment. This was the outfit that would win my success. A white satin top tucked into black slacks cropped at the ankle, paired with a short heel and a plaid blazer. To accessorize I added a simple gold necklace and bracelet. All I needed was confidence in myself, and this was a step in the right direction. The girl crying into her ice cream just hours ago seemed light-years away now.

As I laid down in my bed and stared up at my ceiling, I tried to quiet the thoughts running rampant through my mind. Fears. Doubts. No, I couldn't let them consume me. Tomorrow night at seven, it would be my time to shine. Do or die. 

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