Chapter 38

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Love; something I imagined I'd never feel for someone

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Love; something I imagined I'd never feel for someone. Something I believed wasn't for me. Love always ended in pain. My life was no different. Maybe love is what blinded me to the truth. Maybe love was just too much to ask for, and maybe just maybe I cheated death with my dad and this was my curse.... My karma... my pain....

I woke up to flashing red lights shining through the window. My eyes squinted and tried to adjust to the now dark room. The only light from the flashing. What the hell how long was I asleep? I rubbed my eyes and stretched. I pulled out my phone. It was 2 am.

I sighed. Jarad still wasn't in bed. I decided to get up and go get a cup of water. I opened the door and trudged tiredly down the stairs to the kitchen.

"Clara park?" I heard a males voice say. My heart began to beat fast. I turned around to a cop.

"T-t-thats me." I stuttered.

"Do you mind if we talk to you?"

"Is everything okay?"

He frowned. "How long have you been dating Jarad?"

"I-I-I don't know...." I looked at him suddenly realizing something bad happened. "Is he being arrested?"

He looks at me grimly. "He's on his way to the hospital from an OD."

At that point I heard nothing else being said. I dropped down to my knees and wrapped my arm around my legs. I was screaming. Over dose? Over dose? All he does is smoke weed. Thats all he ever said to me... my brain kept spinning as the cop tried to snap me out of it. I couldn't calm down. "Take me to him." Was all I could get out.

The cop grabbed my hand and helped me up. My legs unsteady. I don't remember the walk to his car or the ride to the hospital. I just know he brought me. I was escorted to a room where his mom also was.

"Are you okay Clara?" She looked at me. I could tell she too had been crying.

"Is he... is he okay."

Tears fell from her eyes as she pulled me in for a hug. I knew this was bad. "How about we call your dad sweetie?"

"My dad?"

"You'll need him tonight." She half smiled. "Here give me the phone I'll call."

I pulled up my dads number and handed her the phone, she stepped out of the room to speak to my dad. I sat down on a big leather chair that made creaking noises as I moved. I could hear every sound like it was right next to my ear from anxiety. I hated this. I hated not knowing what was happening.

What felt like forever, she walked back in. "Your dad will be here soon sweetie okay?"

"I don't understand why I need my dad. Jarad will be fine. Hes going to be okay."

She just smiled sadly at me, holding in her own tears.

Not too long after my dad arrived

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Not too long after my dad arrived. He walked into the room and immediately hugged me. He looked at Jarad's mom and immediately they nodded to each other. My dad sat down next to me and held my hand.

"Clara, sweetie." He said gently.

"Why are both of you looking at me like that?" I felt my heart rate increase. A panic attack was about to set in.

"Clara, Jarad didn't make it." My dad grabbed my hand. I pulled my hand my hand away and stared between them. No. No way. No. I went to get up and my dad grabbed me. "Clara do not run away."

"I figured you'd want your dad here as you said your goodbyes." She let a tear roll down her own cheek.

The both of them guided me to a room down the hall in the er. A trauma room. There he was laying there on the white sheets. My heart dropped. I looked up at my dad and he pulled me to his side. I could feel the tears falling down my face as I walked closer to Jarad.

I put my hand on his. A few hours ago his hand was so warm, rubbing my belly. I was.... I was happy.... We was supposed to be my family. I started shaking. This wasn't supposed to happen. What even happened? I was upstairs. I was fucking upstairs.

"He had been doing pills for awhile Clara." His mom finally broke the silence. "Someone at the dorm brought some and they were laced."

Laced? I stared at her. "He never...."

"He hid it from you." She said sadly. "I thought you and the baby would change things...."

I let myself just sob. This wasn't fair. I finally found love. I was finally... finally okay with having a baby. I loved him. I loved Jarad. I cried so hard I started gagging. My dad just rubbed my back in slow soft circles telling me it would be okay.

My heart ached. Love was a sick joke. Fuck love. I just knew this was the beginning of more bad things to come, and I'm almost positive I know who the culprit of the laced drugs were. My mother.

AN; sad, but almost the very end

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AN; sad, but almost the very end. But this is the beginning to the end of the story. Only a few chapters left. Also I debated so heavily on if I was going to kill him off. But essentially it had to happen for the story to continue. Ive been planning these chapters for days figuring out what works best. And how it will all perfectly tie into the final chapters. And i will not be putting character death warnings for this book. Id rather you be completely shocked.

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