44 - Crush

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Aria's P.O.V.

Why is korean grammar so hard?! I was currently alone, working on a problem on the classroom board since I needed to pass my Korean language test in order to debut.

This is stupid, I'll just look it up instead.

I was about to take my phone out of my bag when I heard a knock at the door. My eyes bulged wide open when I saw Yoongi standing at the doorway.  Quickly, I stand up straight and fix my hair.

"Someone told me that I could find you here."

"What's up?" I mentally curse at myself realizing that I just talked to him informally.

He didn't seem taken back at all, in fact, I don't think he even noticed. He seemed to have something on his mind.

Before responding, he closes the door and takes a few steps towards me.

"I came here to talk to you about Ally. Has she contacted you at all?"

"Not at all. She hasn't contacted anyone."

I wasn't sure what I should've expected when he came here, but I defiantly didn't think that it was about Ally. It made sense though; she was close to all the guys. Having him reach out to me and ask about her made me realize how much he cared about her.

He gives me a soft nod with his head.

"You must have been really close to her if you came all the way here to ask me about her."

"You could say that." He says with a blank expression. Focusing his view on the ground, I noticed that he was a bit off.

"Well, if she decides to contact any of us, I promise that you'll be the first to know."


Cue awkward silence. I didn't want him to leave just yet so I tried to think of something.

"I never got to thank you for telling me what Seung-mi did the night of the party."

"I mean, I didn't really do much. I just said what I saw and you did the rest of the work."

I knew that he was referring to me slapping Seung-mi. We both let out a small laugh. It was then that he managed to look at me directly and I did the same as well. Everything was silent now and it was starting to feel awkward. Now, I was starting to feel nervous.

Suddenly, he clears his throat and tells me that he better get going. He was about to head out when suddenly took the marker that I had, from my hand. I watch as he solves the problem that I've been stuck on for the past hour and solve it in 10 seconds.

Without saying anything else, he hands me back the marker and officially leaves. Once he was out of sight, I fell to the ground and put my hand over my chest. My heart was racing. Even though I had no reason for my heart to act like this, just being that close to him and having him talk to me did the trick.

Soon, I could feel my cheeks starting to warm up as the pace of my heart kept rising. I've had the biggest crush on him for the longest time and it only grew more now that we were under the same company.


Hehe something a little different

- A

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