43 - Argument

130 8 0

Sunny's P.O.V.

"This sucks." - Aria

"What? Practicing even more now that we got chosen to debut?" - Bella

"That too, but no. I'm referring to Ally. It's been 3 months since she's been gone and she didn't even say goodbye to us." - Aria

We were all currently heading to our dorms after another long day of practice. Who knew that getting ready to debut meant even more work.

"Can't believe it's been 3 months already. I feel like I just saw her last week." - Niji

"I miss Ally." - Nari

"We all do." - Sunny

"Who would've thought that her leaving would change so many things." - Bella

"If she were still here, she would've debuted with us, but since she left, Seung-mi was given her spot." Hana, one of the trainees that we will be debuting with commented.

"I can't believe we have to debut with her. I already have a hard enough time trying not to kill her and now imagine having to be in a group with her and spend all my time with her. I'm going to end up killing myself instead!" - Aria

"Well, get in line. I'm not too psyched about the idea of being in a group with her either." - Bella

"Did you guys even see how she reacted when they gave the announcement that Ally quit?" - Aria

"No since we were all too shocked to even look at her." - Niji

"She didn't even show any signs that she felt upset about her leaving." - Aria

"I mean she did try to kill her. She was probably happy that Ally left." Ki-yong, another trainee who would be debuting with us, spoke.

"What do you think Sunny? I mean, you share the same room as her and talk to her more than us." - Aria

"Just because we share the same room doesn't mean that we talk. There's nothing much to say besides that she's the same as always. Probably happier now that she's back to being on top."

It was true. I've haven't seen her this happy since she became a trainee.

"I wish Ally would've never left...Things would still be the same." - Niji

"Nothing we can do about it now. This happens pretty often too. We become friends with another trainee and then they either drop out or they move to a different company."

I tried to be positive about the situation, but it was hard, especially when you were so close to someone.

"But I just don't understand why she would just drop out when she was so close to debuting. She worked so hard and wanted this more than anything." - Hana

"Maybe she changed her mind or realized that it just wasn't what she wanted anymore. It happens."

"Or maybe she left because of someone." - Nari

We all come to a halt and turn to look at Nari.

"That day that our dance instructor told them to practice outside of regular practice time, I was there late as well practicing. As I was heading home, I saw them and noticed that they were both arguing." - Nari

"Like as a small argument?" - Bella

"I'm not sure, but I've never seen Ally so upset like that night." - Nari

"Upset? - Niji

"Yea, they were both really heated and I could hear how they would raise their voices, but I'm not sure why they would be arguing..." - Nari

"Maybe she was finally confronting her about the night of the party." - Ki-yong

"Why didn't you tell us sooner?" - Aria

"I had somewhere that I needed to be, so I guess I just pushed it in the back of my head and forgot about it until now." - Nari

Taking this brand new information in and processing it, my mind takes me back to how Seung-mi was acting a few days before Ally left.

There was one occasion that seemed to stand out. After taking a shower, I headed towards my room when I stop in front of the door. It was left open enough for me to see her talking on the phone with someone. She was talking really softly, almost as if she didn't want anyone to hear.

I couldn't exactly hear what she was talking about, but I was able to pick up a few things.


It was really weird.

I didn't think much about it back then, but now, I'm thinking that maybe there was a connection with Ally leaving, but how was I supposed to know?

Debut Line Up (currently)
- Sunny (Leader)
- Seung-mi*
- Aria 
- Niji
- Bella
- Hana
- Ki-young
- Nari

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