14 - War

302 19 5

Ally's P.O.V.

"It feels so good to have a friend that has an apartment all to herself and not have to stay in a crowded dorm!"

I lightly laugh at Aria as she springs herself onto my bed while I prepare some snacks. Bella and Aria were staying over at my place for the first time since they wouldn't stop begging me to let them sleep over. Apparently, their roommates are noisy sleepers. Once again, I'm thankful for having my own place as well.

"Speaking about friends, what's up with Seung-mi? Seems like she wants to be your best friend or something with how close she's been with you these past two weeks."

These past two weeks have been very...weird. Seung-mi has basically been all over me and no matter where I go, she seems to be there. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind it if she wants to be friends, but it just seems weird since we've known each other for years and she's suddenly wanting to get close. But I guess friendships start somewhere, right?


During my lunch break, I decided to stay in class and work over a grammatical problem that I got wrong on my test. As I looked at the problem that I've written on the board, I couldn't figure out where exactly I went wrong.

"You need to replace this consonant with this one."

Seung-mi, appearing out of nowhere, takes the dry erase marker I had in my hand and fixes the mistake for me.

"This problem is hard even for native Korean speakers, but you're doing such a good job! Keep it up!"

As I quickly make my way into the bathroom, I lock myself in a stall and immediately check if my suspicion is correct or not. It was, I started my period.

I opened my bag and tried to search for a tampon, but after a while of searching, I realized that I didn't have one at all.

"Crap!" I say under my breath.

Suddenly, I hear a knock on my stall startling me.

"Ally? Are you okay?"

It was Seung-mi.

"Yea, I'm fine."

Soon, the sight of a hand handing me a tampon under my stall came into my view.

"I'm guessing you need this?"

I don't hesitate in taking it and I thank her many times for saving me and that I'll repay her.

"Everyone find someone to pair up with since we'll be having a little dance competition between us at the end of the week! The winners get a gift certificate to Seoul's most luxurious restaurant."

After hearing our instructor say that, everyone started freaking out and quickly started to pair up. I didn't have anyone in particular in mind so I was just going to find whoever was available.


Turning around, I came face to face with Seung-mi.

"Do you, by any chance, want to be partners?"

I was a little taken back to say the least. I've never worked with Seung-mi like this before unless in a group. But the fact that the "ace" wanted to partner up with me, made me feel honored in a way.

"Yea. Of course!" I smile at her, excited for this experience.


"No fair!

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