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Jungkook's P.O.V.

3 days later

As I layed on my bed, I do what I usually do when I get home from work and I'm finally all alone. I couldn't help but look through all the pictures of Ally that I had, including us together. The more I looked, the more painful it got. I knew it wasn't good for me, but it was the only way I could see her.

My vision soon starts to get blurry. I cover my eyes with my arm and try to hold it in, not wanting to cry tonight. But like always, I fail. Everything starts coming out and I find myself, once again, falling apart.

It hurt.

The pain was unbearable. I had no idea that someone could make me feel like this. I had no idea that someone could break me. It felt like the other half of me was lost. I didn't feel complete.

The more I cried, the more I could physically feel my heart breaking. It all hurt too much. I just want it all to stop. I just want the pain to go away.

Yoongi's P.O.V.

Closing the door to my studio, I call Jungkook to see how he's doing. After a few rings, it sent me straight to his voicemail.

That's weird. He usually picks up after the first ring.

Maybe he's taking a shower or something.

Deciding that It would be a good idea to visit him, I head to the convenience store to pick up some of his favorite snacks. As I arrive at his place, I put in his passcode and walk right in. Once I take off my shoes and close the door, I head towards his kitchen to place the items on the table.

As soon as I place down the bags, I notice a few empty bottle of alcohol. I walk over to the bottles and pick one of them up. There were 3 bottles. Standing there, I look at them as I start thinking.

It was unusual for Jungkook to drink, let alone have 3 empty bottles just lying around in his kitchen. I was about to clean up when something caught my attention. Setting the bottle down, I quietly try to follow where the noise I heard was coming from.

I tried to identify what it was but it was hard to hear. Curiosity got the best of me and I decided to follow it. Walking through his apartment, I walked quietly while the sound got clearer.

They were whimpers.

Realizing that, the sound was coming from his bedroom, as I got closer, I was able to notice that his door was left ajar. Looking through the gap, his room was dark and I couldn't see a thing.

Opening the door, I was immediately hit with the smell of alcohol. Looking around the room, I see more empty bottles lying around. Next, I find Jungkook sitting on the ground crying while holding a half empty bottle.

He was drunk.

He was about to go for a sip when I quickly reach for the bottle and snatch it away from him.

"That's enough."

"Give it to me."

He words were slurred. I wonder how much he's been drinking.

I watch as he slowly gets off the ground while trying not to lose his balance.

"You've had too much already.

"Give it to me." He tries to reach for the bottle, but I pull it away from him so he couldn't reach."

"Jungkook, I said no."


As he continues to reach for the bottle, he starts to get a little aggressive. I soon found myself having to push him away from me which seemed to anger him.

"I said give it to me!"

Without a warning, he quickly lifts his fist and throws a punch at me. I almost fall to the ground from the impact, but I was able to grab onto the wall. My whole face felt like it was on fire. Running my finger on my lip, I notice that there was blood.

But as I was doing this, Jungkook manages to push me hard against the wall as I let out a groan of pain. He was consumed by so much alcohol and anger that I knew that I had to calm him down one way or another even if it meant getting the crap beaten out of me.

From the corner of my eyes, I was able to see Jungkook come at me. Luckily, this time, I was able to react as I tightly wrapped my arms around him and trapped his arms. He tries to get out of my hold, but I only tighten my grip around him even more.

"Let me go!

"Not until you calm down."

"Let go of me, Hyung!"

He yells at the top of his lungs as he continues to fight. I felt my grip get loose as I was getting tired, but I knew I needed to hold on unless I wanted to get punched again. After a while, I can feel under my grip how he starts to eventually calm down. He soon gives up.

But I immediately feel his whole body shake as he starts to cry and lays his head on my shoulder

"Hyung...how do I numb the pain?...How do I make the pain go away?"

Closing my eyes tightly, I try to find the right words to tell him, but no matter what I say, I knew it wasn't going to be something he wants to hear.

"You can't. You just have to wait it out until you don't feel it anymore."

That was the sad, but bitter truth. Only time could make the pain go away.

"Why does everything go bad for me? Why do I alway lose what I love the most?..."

In this moment, I realized how serious this was. I also realized that this was going to be a lot harder than I thought it would be. Healing Jungkooks' broken heart and helping him move on was going to be one of the most challenging thing ever. Losing the one person you love is never easy. In fact, the pain it causes you is enough to make you go insane or worse, kill you.

I knew that I had to help him. I didn't exactly know how, but he needed me, but I knew that I couldn't do this by myself.

Clearly I don't know how to write a fight scene and never have a written one but I hope you guys could still enjoy it and get the sense of what's going on.

Very emotional scene for both Jungkook and Yoongi and I hope y'all felt it too

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