40 - Nothing To Lose

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Jimin's P.O.V.

It was officially time to go back to our hotel after another successful concert. After wrapping up the second day of PTD, we were given a few days off before our last two shows for next week. As we reached the hotel, some of us went straight to bed, some ate, and a few were going to go live.

Once I enter my room, I waste no time in hopping inside the shower to clean up. After that, I start doing my nighttime routine, until I hear my stomach growling. This reminded me that I haven't aten since this morning.

Checking the time on my phone, I saw that it was only 11 pm. Not wanting to get anything too heavy, I decided to hit up the nearest convenience store to get some ramen. The nearest store was only 5 minutes away, so It didn't take me long. I just went in a got whatever I needed.

I was about to head to the cash register to pay when an idea popped in my head. Taking out my phone quickly I start to send a text.

"Are you awake."

Not a minute goes by when I get a reply,


Smiling to myself, I throw in another cup of ramen along with some other snacks. Next I head outside and wait for the uber that I ordered. After reaching my destination, I make my way up as I stand in front of their door and knock; waiting for them to open.

The door swings open and I lift the bag of snacks in front of them.

"I hope you're up for a late night snack?" I smile at them as they shake their head and smile as well.

"I should've known you were up to something. Come in."

Not wasting another second, I go inside Ally's apartment as she closes the door behind me.


As we sat and ate, we talked about many things; trying to catch up with each others life. Last time that I was with her, we didn't have the chance to talk about what we were up to, so I'm glad that we were doing it now.

Apparently, she's been working at a nearby salon and has been keeping herself busy with work and doing other things. She's gotten into working out lately to relieve all her stress and just takes care of herself. From what she's been telling me, it seems like she's enjoying her new life. 

But despite her new life, she didn't look happy.

The light in her eyes and the joy and happiness that she would always radiate were no longer there. No matter how much I looked at her, I just couldn't find it. I was looking at Ally, but it wasn't the same person that I knew a few months ago.

Taking a closer look at her, I noticed that she seemed skinner as her cheeks and collar bones were more pronounced. Her fingers were so skinny that most of her rings looked too big on them.

She might not tell me, but I can tell that her leaving and giving up on everything affected her a lot. I was worried. Has she been living like this for the past months? How has she managed to keep herself together without falling apart?

Is she really okay?

"Stop staring, it's creepy." She says with a mouthful of ramen.

"I can't help it. I missed you."

"You saw me three weeks ago."

"Three weeks for me is a long time." I let out a small laugh as she rolls her eyes at me and continues to eat.

"Man, what a perfect way to end a perfect day."

"If you think that eating ramen with me late at night is a perfecting ending then I'm worried. You should be sleeping right now."

It warmed my heart to see that she was still worried about me like she always has. It was a trait that I've always loved about her.

"If you're so worried about me sleeping then, I guess I should just fall asleep here right now." As I put my ramen down, I lay back on her couch as I looked at her with a smirk.

Without warning, a pillow comes crashing towards my face.

"Stop being dumb."

"I mean, it's true. Plus, the time that I have to wait for a ride and then drive all the way to the hotel, it's going to be really late, so I might as well sleep here."

"How did you manage to get even more stubborn?"

We both let out some laughs. Everything felt like it was back to normal. Just the two of us, eating ramen late at night, and just having a good time. Almost as if she never left.

"But seriously, you should get some rest. You have another concert tomorrow and you need to have all your energy."

She was right. I was starting to feel tired on the drive here, but I didn't want to leave. I wanted to stay by her side. I wanted to spend the whole night talking to her until the sun came shining through her window. Sleep was the last thing that was on my mind.

"Do you want to know what will give me a lot of energy tomorrow?"

She looks at me as she patiently waits for my answer.

"If you came to our concert tomorrow."

Her expression changed after those words. I knew that what I was asking for was a bit too much, but it was worth a shot. She tears her eyes off of me and looks at the ground. She didn't say anything. I knew that her reaction and hesitation was related to what she told me the last time I was here, but I needed to convince her to go.

"Look...I don't know the full details, but I know that by just seeing us perform, you'll feel better...especially, Jungkook. Even if it's just for one song."

"I don't know..."

Reaching out, I grab one of her hands gently to get her attention. Next, I reach out and tuck her loose hair behind her ear as I run my hand through her soft waves. She carefully looks at me and my actions, waiting for my next words.

"You'll have nothing to lose."

On my drive back, I send her the tickets in case she ends up going. I was probably out of line asking for this, but she needed to do this. She needed to see Jungkook, even if it was just from a distance. I wanted her to see that he was okay and that she had nothing to worry about.


Lowkey falling for Jimin 😳

- A

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