Tpn- The thunder storm- Norray

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Ray was always the kid who was independent and followed his own daily routine sure it fit into the others but he wouldn't go to bed at the same time since he's just sit awake for hours which frustrated him more and so those nights he'd go to the library and read himself to sleep. It was a terrible habit but it worked.

Ray struggling to sleep made his way to the library carefully pushing open the doors being sure to stay quiet. He grabbed one of his favourite novels to read and sat by the window the peacefully falling rain being a calming experience for him as he opened the book pages and took in every word, getting lost in the story.

He heard the rain getting heavier so looked out the window. When suddenly a loud clap of thunder went off, Ray jumped in his seat taking a deep breath getting up with the book flinching again when another went off. He walked around the library trying to find a quiet spot to hide whether it wouldn't be loud. He couldn't find a quiet enough area and it was stressing him, he forced his 'emo fringe' as Emma so called it over his face more trying to hide from the storm. He knew it was a stupid idea nor would it work but he tried.

Meanwhile Norman started to stir at the noise. He enjoyed the thunderstorms. He found them pretty yet he knew Ray hated them, he didn't blame him they were a reminder of negative things in his life. It was a thunderstorm the day Isabella looked him in a room alone and despite the boy being antisocial he hated that, his claustrophobia not helping either. Norman got up and walked over to the bed that belonged to Ray, seeing the boy wasn't there Norman knew where he was. He grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around himself before walking down the corridors to get to the library.

He walked in and looked around for Ray, staying silent as to not scare him with the sudden calling of his name. He finally saw the black haired boy curled amongst the bean bags head on knees, Norman walked over slowly and spoke as he did.

"Ray are you okay?"

"Mmmmmmm" ray gave a slight grumble to show Norman his disagreement without having to verbally form anything.

"Okay I see" Norman say himself next to ray and draped the blanket over the two, Ray immediately moved closer and dropped his head onto Norman's shoulder. The white haired boy placed a hand around Ray and held the boy's other hand starting to talk about random things to distract ray and hopefully get him to fall asleep, relaxed and not scared of the storm anymore.

(Idea by @saralovescheetos)

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