Haikyuu- ushiten

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Tendou walked out of the gym with the rest of the team following, the red feeling a little upset and insecure but hid it by racing ahead to show his usual energetic self. He noticed Goshiki at the back on his own so slowed his pace to talk to him. He got the younger year to speak and explain everything basically venting to him. Tendou gave him some advice and comforting smile seeing him catch up with Semi and start talking. Since everyone was already ahead Tendou put his headphones on and blasters music through them. He saw the road he had to turn down so tapped Semi's shoulder and pointed down the road as he waved seeing the grey haired boy informing everyone tendou had left.

The red haired boy got home and disconnected his headphones allowing his music to play out-loud as he lay on the floor letting himself get lost in his thoughts. He stared at the ceiling, the whole match replaying but this time only the mistakes. He stressfully sighed ans started muttering to himself in anger as his eyes started to well up. He sighed giving in and allowed himself to cry as much as he didn't want to but knew no one would see it anyway so why does it matter? Five minutes had passed and Tendou noticed his music being interrupted by a call so checked his phone to see who it was. Through blurry eyes he saw the word "wakitoshi- kun" so wiped his eyes and quickly took a few deep breaths before answering.

"Hello Tendou. Did you get home safely? Semi said you went off but you haven't text me that you got home"

"Yea I did, I just collapsed when I got back"

"Oh no. Are you okay?"

"Oh I meant as in fell asleep! Haha, you know like I got back and immediately fell asleep so I just woke up a few minutes before you called"

"Okay well it's good you had some sleep but also I noticed you were a little less energetic after practice today. Is everything alright?"

"Yea it's fine. Don't worry about it"

"Tendou are you lying?"

"Okay fine- it's not but it's fine I'll get over it. I'm not going to burden you plus you have more important things"

"Tendou you are my friend, you can tell me anything"

Tendou nodded before explaining how he had a bad play, felt he let everyone down and accidentally let it slip that he was in love with Ushijima, hoping the latter ignore the last part.

"Tendou you had one bad match it happens to us all. Also you could never let anyone down and if they do feel that way then I will talk to them. And what do you mean by you love me?"

"I guess, I guess just overwhelmed myself and uhm- okay I'll be honest. I have romantic feelings for you but I get if you don't feel the same"

"Romantic? As in you want to be dating?"

"Yea haha"

"Oh is that what you call them? I've been feeling like that too then"

"Wait! Really?! I don't think you ever would but is this a joke?!"

"No joke. I don't do jokes"

"True, I just wanted to be sure. It's one of those sounds too good to be true"

"Oh so you not want to be together then?"

"No I do! I do!"

"Okay so are we boyfriends now then?"

"Yes! Yes!"

The two stayed on the call for a while talking and Ushijima watched as Tendou very energetically made his way to his room making multiple pitstops and getting distracted so having to be constantly reminded. Tendou finally got settled in his bed and the two continued to talk.

"And that is why those rules of volleyball exist? Tendou? Are you listening? Oh you fell asleep."

Ushijima ended the call between the two and text Tendou to explain he had ended the call as the latter fell asleep and also to say good night and text him if he needs anything L's

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