tpn- sequel to flower in my throat

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Its been a month since Ray had passed away, a funeral was held for him  but Norman refused to go. He found it hard enough his last memory of his best friend was him dying in the White haired boy's arms, seeing him lying lifeless in a coffin was something he didn't want to see.. Something be hoped he never would have had to. Yugo and Lucas let Norman stay with them 

Norman was rarely seen only to eat but if he wasnt eating he was in room by the two and the only other time he left was for school. He kept the hoodie Rya gave him that day they went out to the Christmas market as a trio and would it daily, only washing it when kt really needed it but tried his hardest to keep Ray's scent on the hoodie. Norman found the death overwhelming.... Too much for him and had started to affect him mentally, to the point he was out of touch with his emotions and the world, his grades had gone down earning him a few worried phone calls home. Norman constantly blamed himself for the death, telling himself things like 'if he hadn't said anything like he did then Ray would have longer' 'it was his fault Ray died' and so on. Somehow hoping this would bring him back. 

Emma had put on a brave face she knew that Ray would have wanted her to carry on and remember him but stay herself and never let his death effect her. Sh would wear the necklace he got her day and night non-stop like her life depended on it. To keep herself somewhat sane, she kept a notebook filled with letters, she would never be able to send but thing she would have told the boy if be was still alive.  Emma kept ber usual giggly and cheerful, energetic self at school but when she got home, she would breakdown. She usually calmed after a while and Lucas always reminded her to make her notes for him which was always calming. She would in the letters tell him how ner day was, the new drama at school, some questions she never got to ask him. Somehow hoping this would bring him back.

Meanwhile Isabella and Leslie had locked Ray's room so know one went in leaving it exactly how it was the last time their son was in there. They tried to maintain a normal life or as normal as it could be with a son that was taken by Hanahaki disease. Yugo and Lucas would keep checking on the two to make sure they were managing. The parents of Ray would peak into his room everyday, hoping he was there only to be left with disappointment when the room was exactly the same as it was the day before. They remembered Ray loved Fridays and so would make his favourite meal on that day as well. Somehow hoping this would bring him back.

Everyone knew life would never be the same without him and it was difficult to cope for them but despite all their asking about the surgery option, they always had that gut feeling the stubborn Black haired boy would have waited till it was too late to rethink his choices. They would all have their own ways to cope yet it was never enough to help them, not forget per say but be able to go to a somewhat normal life. Still trying and hoping that somehow he'd be there when they woke up. That it was all nightmare. Only to realise, they are living the nightmare. And he was really 


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