Tpn- im sorry- norray 💔

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(Ok so I'm bringing the angst train so there is a su!cide in this one so if you don't want that feel free to skip. Again they all go to school, Ray is a part of the outcasts in the school and Norman is a popular kid. The boys aren't dating. They are around the age of 13-14. Also Isabella got out with the kids and lives a somewhat normal life with her son so slight spoilers)

Norman pov

It's been a year or so since we escaped gracefield. We joined a school to try and fit in as much as we could but word about the whole farms had gotten out anyway so most people knew the reason behind the numbers on the neck. Emma and I made friends with the popular group and we hadn't really seen Ray. He didn't want to join the group. I mean they told him he couldn't after he said 'he'd rather be the school freak then be with a bunch of fake people' and so that's what happened. He was the freak of the school not in my eyes nor Emma's but we had to go along with it. It was a lunchtime and I saw Ray so went over, stopping when I saw him with a small group of people they were all talking and Ray was smiling a little. I sighed and walked off back to the group turning my head just to catch one of the Jocks bullying him. I stayed silent and watched like everyone else. After a while the jock finally stopped and Ray walked off his head low but I could see he was bleeding so I snuck off myself to try and find him. I got into the corridor and lost sight off him so went to Emma and just had lunch like normal.

It was now 5th period and Ray was no where to be seen so I mentally noted to myself to go to his house after and check on him. I sat in the lesson making sure to focus.

The lesson finally ended and I raced out not stopping for anyone. I raced down to Ray's house and knocked on the door and his mum answered, looking distraught, I asked her what happened and she proceeded to tell me that Ray came home early around school lunchtime and took his life. I held back my tears and nodded. She passed me a note he left one for me and one for Emma. I apologised to her and slowly left calling Emma with her shaky hands and through stifled sobs and asked her to come over. When she arrived I explained the situation and we sat in silence and read the notes

Dear Norman,
Thanks for those 11 years we had together at the orphanage. It's a shame we parted away after the escape, I always hoped we would stay friends but I guess I was wrong. Don't let my death hold you back, it's not that bad and I've been wanting this for a while now. It's better this way since I won't be suffering mentally and physically anymore with all the bullying and my mental issues. Don't stop being you Norman. And I just wanted to say one last thing I've lived you more then a friend which is why I am a freak because I'm a homosexual
Yours sincerely Ray

I stared at the note in disbelief, breaking down into tears. I felt Emma hug me and comfort me. I must have cried myself to sleep because the last thing I heard Emma say was "im sorry Norman but it'll be better for Ray he won't suffer anymore"

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