Tpn- if only- norray

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Ray walked outside with the other two, Emma talking his ear off and Norman listening to her with awe in his eyes. Ray picked up on this and new his best friend was head over heels for Emma while Emma knew ray had a slight crush on Norman and had tried to promise not to get in the way. Ray of course knew that Norman would always love her so encouraged Emma to be true to her feelings and if she likes him then do something and don't feel bad. She reluctantly accepted what Ray said but had always kept a secret promise to herself to keep both boys happy as best as she could.

 Ray was about to sit down before Emma stopped him "play with us today?"

"emma no"

"actually that would be fun, come on why not?"

"maybe later"

"ugh fine. Youre no fun ray" she said while dramatically flopping against him like she was fainting, standing up after a few seconds. She raced off getting a few steps before stopping and winching so slowly walked back to the other two.

"you okay emma? What happened?" Norman started to ask her multiple questions which she ignored until she had sat down.

"I dont know, one second I was fine the next I just felt sickly but not enough to throw up"

"like a stomach ache?"


"maybe you ate too quickly or something"

"yea maybe but to be safe i'm going to sit out this game"

"awe thats a shame, ill let the others know"

"let them know Ray is taking my place as well"

Norman nodded and walked off, emma proudly smiled when Ray squinted at her, he could tell she was up to something.

"what sre you doing? But do you really have a stomach ache or is it a fake?"

"I'm helping you be with your crush. And no it's real"

"do you want someone to sit with you then? Also Emma why, you know he likes you"

"I'll be fine for a bit then Don will eventually be caught early on so we can talk and because I don't exactly feel the same. Im kinda like you in the sense of-"

"liking the same gender?"


"well thanks for trusting me to tell me that and okay fine ill do it but I'm helping with your crush"

Emma sighed but nodded and Ray passed her his stopwatch so she could do his job when they played before getting up and walking over to the others. As per usual Norman was 'it'. They started the game and Ray slowly made his way into the forest having watched Norman many times he knew the boy usually went for easy people First. Wanting to save his energy and not use all his stamina at once, Ray founded an area to  hide in while be watched seeing everyone but himself and Gilda were caught. He beard running footsteps so made a run for it, starting off slowly. Norman spotted Ray and went after him, Ray quickly jumped to grab a tree branch to swing himself on causing Norman go running past, giving Ray time to drop himself and speed off in the other direction while Norman went and tagged Gilda. 

Ray guessed he had a few more minutes left so knew his best bet was to just hide and then speed off when ever Norman got near to him. Norman started to pick up on Ray's attic so tried to outsmart him multiple times but kept falling into the little traps Ray had set up. He watched the black haired boy vanish from his sight yet again so stood trying to figure out where exactly he went. Norman saw Don walk over so gave him a confused look seeing the other boy was smiling widely.

"time's up and not to brag but it looks like we beat Norman"

Ray lowered himself from the tree he was on his legs wrapped around it so he was hanging upside down meaning his fringe was off his face, Norman saw this and blushed . Ray noticed but couldn't tell whether it was from what Ray was doing or from running so much.

"correction, I beat Norman"

"yea you should play more often. Maybe we should both be 'it' next time"

"nooooo that means there is no chance of us winning!' Don whined before walking off to the others. 

Norman turned to face Ray. "do you need my help- like getting down from there?"

"no, just mind yourself"

Norman stepped back a bit watching Ray sit back on the branch normally before jumping down. The two walked back to the others in silence and Norman gave a confused look when Ray and Emma made eye contact and pulled some odd faces to each other soon figuring out they were having a conversation like that so stood trying to figure it out. Unfortunately he couldn't so he stopped and waited till one of them spoke verbally.

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