Tpn- incorrect quotes-🗨

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Norman : *points at Ray* A human turtleneck, *points at Isabella* a narcissistic monster, *points at Emma* and literally the dumbest person I've ever met.
Emma: And who am I? Describe me now.

Don, in a horrible German accent: Bill Nye is on break, I'm Bill Nein.
Emma: Can I go to the bathroom?
Don, in the same horrible German accent: Nein!

Don: Are you really planning to shoot the demon?
Norman : Don't worry, it's a holy gun.
Don: How so?
Norman : It makes holes.

Ray: There is no future. There is no past. Don't you see? Time is simultaneous, an intricately structured jewel that humans insist on viewing one edge at a time, when the whole design is visible in every fact.
Isabella: ...All I asked was if you wanted to cut your birthday cake first.

Don, grinning: Before you were what?
Ray: Before I was-
Don: What?
Ray: Before I was inter-
Don: Before you were interrupted?
Ray: Cut me off one more time and I swear I'll-
Don: What?
Ray: *makes frustrated sound*
Emma, nervously: Stop that. Before they hurt you.
(tbh- this has probably happened at one point)

Emma: Ow!
Ray: What's wrong?
Emma: I have this weird pain right above my eyebrow.
Ray: It's called a stress headache. I got my first one when I was four.

Emma, throwing a pokeball at Ray: Ray, I choose you!
Ray, not looking up from their book and catching it: You need an Ultra ball to catch this Legendary Pokémon.

Emma: Hi, could I ask how exactly does one accidentally set a lemon on fire??
Don: Microwave for 40 minutes. 😔
Ray: Why were you microwaving a lemon???
Don: I read boiling lemons helps cover up up bad smells (I wanted to cover up the scent of burnt oranges) but I didn't own any pots.
Gilda: Did you burn an orange too? How???
Don: Microwave for 40 minutes. 😔

Norray time~

ray: Two brooooos!
norman: Chillin' in a hot tub!
ray: Five feet apart 'cause we're not gay!
norman: *tearing up*
ray: Babe, c'mon...
ray: Babe...

norman: Are you ready to commit?
ray: Like, a crime or a relationship?

ray: This date is boring!
norman: This isn't a date. I said I was going to the store.
ray: Then why did you invite me?
norman: I didnt, I specifically said "don't come with me," then you said, "fuck you norman I'll do whatever I want!

norman: I love you.
ray, not paying attention: What was that?
norman: I said I'm selling you to the zOo-

norman: Being gay is a constant battle between "I wish to sit on a window bench with my lover, our legs tangling as we listen to the birds" and "Hey, let's go throw rocks at fascists" and I think that's very sexy of us.
ray: If the window's open and you time it right, you can do both

and a bonus non-anime one but one of me cuz i can 

me:- reads all the gay- ah yes love 
also me: -feared screaming- ew romance
also also me: wow i'm so single- sad

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