Tpn- escaped Au- norray💕

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(this au is set a little bit into the future, so the trio are 15, Ray is 16 and it's around Mid March. TW Mention of a panic attack ) 

Emma Pov 

It was a normal day, Ray, Norman and I all shared a small low low rent  flat. Norman and Ray both had some form of a job while I stayed at the house. Both boys told me their secrets or asked my opinions on things.  However today something terrible happened, Ray came home early today which is was weird and then proceed to pull me in for a hug after some frantic sear hug. Soon enough I realised something had panicked him and he was on the verge of panic attack, I hugged back and calmed him down offering to go watch a film and so we did. I sat down first and then Ray got himself comfy resting against me, basically so you understand,I was sat with my legs stretched and Ray sat between them leaning back on me. Now I let him do this because he's an older brother to me so I trust him enough however things start to go downhill. 

Norman came home and came to the room we were in to find Ray.

"Ray..... Is this what happens when I'm not home? Is this job of yours just an excuse?" Norman exclaimed, I could tell he was quite annoyed by bow calm he was. 

"No, it was just this once and we don't see each other like that?" Ray explained who,e getting up

"oh Really now?"

The two started to argue more and more. Louder. More anger. I finally snapped and stood up 

"both of you shut it! Ray wanted a hug from me and I offered to watch the film and i told him he could lean on me like that because he's my older brother and that's it!'

Both boys stared at me, eyes wide, Ray took in what I said quicker and nodded. He went to give me a hug and for once I refused it, I knew now wasn't the best time. The two talked it out as I snuck off to get a snack, clearly Ray sensed I was reaching for his snacks since he came running in and proceed to lift me onto his shoulder and carry me away, ignore my protests. 

"Ray! Put me down you depressed emo!'

"creative Emma, but no"

"I will get Norman to help!'

"he will side me with me you know? I am his boyfriend"

"and j'm his....Uhhhhhhhhhh SHUT UP! I just wanted your goldfish things!'

"ew Emma don't eat goldfish food!'

"Ray Hun, I think she meant the chedder snacks"

"oh I forgot I had those yea have them, I don't like them"

Norman laughed quite a lot as a managed go free myself from Ray's grip and raced into the Kitchen. While stood on the counter to reach the top shelf I watched Norman hug Ray from behind, wrap his arms around the latter and rest his head in his boyfriend's shoulder. 

"she really does make me feel like a parent sometimes" Ray jokingly said 

"she is our child whether we want her to or not" Norman responded sighing when he realised I got myself stuck. Walking over to me "emma how do you get stuck in the sink"

"I'm not stuck I can get out, I'm just comfy"

"alright let's leave her be Norman. She will free herself"

And ghat is the story of how I solved an argument and got stuck in the sink >:(

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