Stranger things- end of season 4- Steddie

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(I've tried to avoid spoilers but there may be a few so please be aware of that.)

Eddie pov
I lay on my bed staring at the ceiling, not being able to sleep everything that had been happening coming back to my mind. The thing with Chrissy and everything after that up to the whole shit with Vecna. I listened to what was going on outside since I got to stay near Steve's. Yea Steve fucking Harrington let me live in a caravan near his house. Anyway I was listening to the noise outside just hearing Dustin was annoying Steve and Steve was basically 'mothering' the kid. After a while of debating I got up and went outside, being tackle hugged by Dustin and watching Steve just sit down on his porch steps, he gave me a small smile as he saw me come outside. I turned my attention to Dustin who was rambling about what he did and how he was annoying Steve by hiding his stuff. I chuckled while ruffling the kids hair and grabbed one of the items of him before getting Steve's attention

"Oh hey Stevie boy, missing something?" I teased while waving his hair spray above my head. Pouting when he rolled his eyes and went inside.

I passed the item back to Dustin, fighting my fears and went in seeing him looking for something. I walked over making him jump by accident

"SHIT! Oh it's you Munson, don't do that again" he stood trying to catch his breath

"Hah! I scared you! But I wanted to just see why you stopped with the joke"

"No you didn't and I stopped because it's getting late and I have stupid work"

I rolled my eyes at him, going to ruffle his hair just as one last tease seeing him avoid it and walk off calling back to me one last time

"Not the hair Munson, never touch the hair"

The next day

It was around midday and I wanted to talk to Robin so I raced down to family video to see her. I pushed the door open shouting as I entered not realising it was Steve in front until.


He looked up at me, a small smile on his face. He jumped up the counter and walked over to me.

"Well that's not what I expected to hear but if you still want to talk to Robin she's round back so I can get her"

I hesitated before responding "Nah it's fine, can we just forget I said anything?"

"And why's that's?" He responded trying to face me but I avoided eye contact

I sighed before looking at him "because you're Steve Harrington! There this is no way in hell you will like me back!"

"Woah- where did you hear that? Of course I- okay look I feel the same so there

I stared blankly at him before beaming at him "wait what! No you're joking! Funny joke Steve you-"

He cut me off "I'm not joking and it's your choice on where we go from this but I should actually get back to work so I don't get fired"

I nodded at him before stopping him walking off "wait could we start you know- be together?"

He stood facing me, staying quiet for a second before replying "yea. We can be official then"

I smiled back at him, waiting till his back was turned before doing a few excited hand gestures. I watched Steve go around back and just heard muffled voices, hearing him tell Robin to get her ass round front and help and her whining at him. The two eventually walked out and sort of focused on work, I did distract Robin a lot and Steve had to supervise the two of us to make sure we didn't destroy anything.

After work I went back with Steve and we both watched a film in his living room. I started to fall asleep and Steve noticed this since he carefully moved so I could lie down against him, I rested my head against his chest as we finished the film, slowly drifting off to sleep.

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