Tpn- its too late- norray/ noremma 💔

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(Uh oh more angst- someone stop me. Okay I really just like say nonsense here so no deaths the title sounds like there is but there isn't and no there's not two ships it will be cleared up. Again they escaped so about 16-17. Again Isabella and Ray live together because I said so)

Ray pov

I sat at the park waiting for Norman, the two of us had arranged to meet since he wanted to talk about something and I was going to confess to him my feelings. I've liked him for over 5 years now but never said anything because there was always something else going on. i had my headphones on blasting my- as Norman called if- "depressive music" it wasn't depressing just different to his taste. He finally arrived so I took my headphones off and went over to him placing the headphones around my neck. He smiled at me and I slightly smiled back like always. We started talking for a while then Norman brought up a crush so I listened more then I was before

"I really like someone and I want to ask you how you think I should go about this? Like how do I tell her?"

I stared at him,  hiding how I felt. Her. Of course I mean why would he like me. I mentally shook these thoughts away and responded

"I mean one who is it? And I guess just be honest about it, tell her how you feel and really mean it"

Norman nodded at me before speaking "it's Emma, she's just so smart and pretty. She is so lively and I just can't get her out of my head"

"Oh- of course. I should have known well just say something like you just did to me. Tell her how she makes you feel and that you can't stop thinking about her and you can't imagine your life without her in it" I replied

while Norman was distracted I text Isabella to make an excuse for me to have to go home and I'll explain everything later. Norman smiled at me again and went to text Emma but I told him it'll be better to talk in person so he text her to meet tomorrow and asked me to be there. Stupidly I agreed, getting a phone call so answered it

"Yea- alright. Alright I'll head back now"

Norman looked at me confused as I hung up the phone so I apologetically smiled at him and explained that I had to head back as I had some sort of event I had to go to. He smiled at me and we said our byes and parted ways

The next day

I stood in the park with Norman while he waited for Emma, she arrived and I could see her in the distance so i started to back away but Norman told me to stay for the "support" and so I did. Emma came over and was the first to speak

"Hey Norman! Hey Ray! What did you need me for?"

"Actually Emma, I wanted to talk to you about something and Ray is being moral support for me"

"Oh cool that's sweet of him so what is it?" She beamed at Norman and I saw him blush slightly. I waited a minute debating whether to put my music on but decided not to partially wanting to hear what happened

"Well Emma, for years now. I've lost count of how many but I've loved you more that a friend. You're beautiful and intelligent and just I can't stop thinking about you nor what a life would be like without you in it"

She smiled brightly and grabbed Norman's hands before going in and kissing him then responding to him and saying she felt the same way. I internally sighed and stepped backwards a few steps before turning on my heel and going to the lake in the park and sat by it, putting my headphones on and blasting the music to block out the world. I turned back to where we were as a trio and saw the two sat under the tree cuddling. I muttered to myself knowing I would become a third wheel and they didn't care at all that I had gone. I sighed before walking home, fighting back tears as I went to my room and turned my headphones off so the music played out loud as I lay across my bed.

After about an hour my music turned off as I got a phone call from Norman, I quickly wiped my tears and took a deep breath before answering thinking of an excuse if he caught that I was crying, I waited for him to speak

"Hey Ray where did you go?"


"Huh? How come? I thought we called hang out and-"

"Well I just assumed you'd want to spend time with Emma since it went well"

"Oh right. Well thank you for the help Ray I'll leave you be for a bit"

"Check the date." I said through gritted teeth getting up to find the dog Isabella got me. It was like a therapy dog so I always had a buddy to go to since she knew I'd be the third wheel.

"What? Ray what are you on about?"

"Just do it Norman" I responded fighting back tears as I sat with the Labrador, petting him as he lay across me

"Ray-...... im so sorry! I-"

"Heh it's fine Norman,might as well start getting used to this"

Then I heard Emma speak and I had to say it felt like I had been stabbed in the back and I don't know why.

"What's going on here? And here's your ice cream Norman!"

"Emma it's rays birthday and we- I forgot! I promised I'd go to his for the whole day and stay the night"

"Oh well we can make it up to him somehow can't we?" I heard Emma suggest, I sighed

"I'm sorry to be a bitch but no you can't not this time around so thank you! Enjoy your date or whatever!" I basically shouted at them before hanging up the call and turning my phone off.

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