"Ah, Ryu by the way I wanted to ask you who you thought was better, as in a fight,"

"Don't you even try-" She whispered but I didn't listen, instead I raised my voice.

"Otar or Loki's whole familia? I got my money on Otar but it's kind of funny how just one person is enough to basically take on the whole Loki familia...Even though they're that Loki and Freya are the big two it seems it's only like that in name,"

Ryu looked at me with a look that said 'You fucker,' and the whole Loki familia was staring at me.

"YOU SON OF A-" Bete started yelling but Finn pushed him down.

"...Just let it be,"

Ais was still staring and I looked back at her.

"Oh, hey guys sorry didn't notice you guys there. Since you're staring so intensely though I assume you want to accept the offer?"I said, directing the question at Ais

Everyone looked at Ais and in response, she let out a small blush "I'm not going to accept that,"

"Don't be like that...Ais-tan,"

Loki's face tensed up at that fact and Finn stopped holding Bete back as Bete charged at me at a speed faster than what I could see.

"LISTEN HERE YA LITTLE SHIT," he grabbed my collar

"Haha," I let out a little chuckle as he then threw me into a wall.

"What the hell is goin' on here?" Mama Mia came out of the kitchen.

"Sorry, just a little roughhousing, we can chill out now," I responded.

Bete just clicked his tongue and went back to the table. I also went back to the bar.

"Whatever, just don't do it again or I'll kick ya both to the curb,"

"Yes Ma'am!" I yelled

I took another sip of my drink as Ryu stared at me confused.

"Are you curious?"

She continued to stare.

"My offers also open with you as well. What do you think about tonight then? Ask for it off and we can meet at a different bar and talk over drinks, sound good?"


As they say, curiosity killed the cat.

"Then it's a deal. I'll pick you up here at 8:30," I grabbed all the change in my pocket and left it on the counter, which also perplexed Ryu since all I had left in my pocket was exactly enough for the drink, meaning that I knew that she was going to give me the worse drink again today.

"Lily, let's head out,"

Although I was normally getting spied on from the tower it seemed especially strong for a moment so I turned around but didn't see anyone, I then left the store.

"Bell, why did you do that?" Lily asked

"Why? Cause it's fun to mess with them,"

"Cause it's fun? Lily may not be as good as you but she is considered good by an average person,"

"If I told you then it was so that Ryu would accept the drinks then would you believe it?"

"..." Lily stared for a moment before answering "yes,"

Later that night I met up with Ryu who was waiting on the main street. She wasn't wearing her uniform but even I had to say that even though she was already hot, she looked even better right now, it seemed she got dressed up for little ol' me.


"...Where are we going for drinks?"

"Hmm...Let's try a place over here," 

I started taking her to the place Eina took me. I held her hand as we walked, however when Ryu saw this her eyes froze as her hands held mine for a solid minute or 2. 

"Ah, sorry. I forgot Elves don't really like that kinda thing," I let go but her gaze still seemed fixed.

'Why do I...Trust this person?' Was what her face was asking. 

I held her hand to see her reaction to how much work I had to do. The fact that she didn't remove it at all meant that I was fairly high up in her trust. 

"Hellllooooo?" I said as I went in front of her face. 

She then finally snapped out of it but her gaze was still fixed on me and was still wide-eyed.

"...I think I should work, I mean that bar is probably-"

"Don't be like that. A break is necessary for everyone. Plus you already said that you would so you can't just go back right?"

"...I don't mind working for free if I have to. Really I need to just go,"

It seemed the fact that her body let me touch her at all was troubling her, but now that I have the fish on the hook I can't just let it go.

"...What if then I offer you something else as well,"


"What if I tell you not only how I think, but what I want to do,"

Considering Curiosity worked to first hook her, adding more bait on the hook would work just as well.

"Tch, fine,"

"hey, Hey, let's enjoy ourselves tonight,"

(Freya POV)


"Yes, Lady Freya?"

"Bell, do you think he has the ability to advance to level 2 soon?"

"Knowing from what you have gathered I assume he will level up soon as in a month or two,"

"I see, well then if you had to make him grow even faster what would you do?"

"Well, for Bell, he is a special case. It seems he is predicting everything. So you would have to go so out of the box to the point where he wouldn't have thought about it,"

"So, Otar. I assume you know what I am thinking then?"

"Yes, Lady Freya. I will do it,"

Words didn't need to describe the plan of action. Freya landed on the conclusion a long time ago and had been hinting at Otar.

'Raise a monster to be way stronger than it should,'

An out-of-the-box situation like that would not be something he could think of, and Freya knew it.

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