Poisonious Secrets

Start from the beginning

"Your mother won't like that Stephan," Steven explained, "I don't have a choice but to return you tomorrow."

"I want you to return me to mommy, and not my aunt!" He wailed, "she is always in a bad mood when she takes me back to mommy."

"I'll see what I can do." He ruffled Stephan's hair, "I'll check my schedule and if I can cancel some appointments I will take you back myself."

When Stephan smiled from ear to ear, it melted Steven's heart. He loved his boy so much that sometimes it overwhelmed him. Steven wanted nothing more than to take his son himself back to his mother, that way they could spend more time together, but the thought of seeing Abby up close had him feeling upset.

How was it so easy for her to marry Jeff and now get engaged to Moss if she still had feelings for him. Why was she calling him and not speaking. What did she want, if she had moved on with her life then why was she still calling him and hanging up? What the hell did she want, he thought angrily, why was she playing games!

Steven knew in his heart that Abby hadn't slept with Moss yet. He knew Abby better than anyone else did and when he saw Moss with Abby at the court house he knew instantly that she hadn't slept with him yet.

Relief had flooded through him, it was very hard for him to imagine Abby laying in another man's arms. Now his son is asking for him personally to return him to his mother and the idea of that made him scared.

Were he to do that how would he feel and how would she react to the fact that after a full year he allowed himself to be around her. The thought overwhelmed him and he debated what he should do, but after much deliberation, Steven called his office and told the receptionist to cancel all his appointments for the next day. When the call ended he was not satisfied with the idea of seeing her tomorrow. How would he control himself and stay calm and relaxed, when mixed feelings will drive him crazy once he sees her?

All-night he tossed and turned, and didn't get the sleep he so desperately needed. The next day Stephan was very happy to learn that his father would be the one returning him to his mother. Steven was indecisive on how Abby would react when she saw him. Would she be upset that he was the one returning their son to her or would she like the fact that he did.

On the plane Stephan was a chatter box, Steven smiled, as he listened to his son chatter away about a dog his mother had promised to buy him.

"I want a Yorkie daddy!" Stephan proclaimed excitedly, "grandma has one already and his name is Cucci, but I want to buy one more so Cucci can have a friend!"

"Get a rescue dog from the shelter," Steven explained, "those doggies are desperate for a home."

Steven's eyes lit up excitedly, "I'm going to tell mommy!"

When the pilot announced to buckle up for landing, Steven made sure his son was strapped in before he strapped himself.

"If mommy decides not to buy me a puppy, I'm going to tell Moss to convince mommy," Stephan said, "he is nice and will help me."

Steven stiffened, the mention of Moss sickened him. It was bad enough that he was engaged to Abby, but the thought of him being step dad to his kid made him angry as hell.

The ride to the mansion was swift, the limo pulled up at the curb and Steven and Stephan exited, "Wait here I shouldn't take long." Steven told the chauffeur.

Rich Radiant Love: Steven's heart. Book threeWhere stories live. Discover now