ii bonus chapter

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Ilyana was helping her mother with her Tsahìk duties, as she was bound to have her baby any minute now.


Her head turned, whipping her long curly hair as she did so, hearing her name. Neteyam ran after her and took the basket she held in her hands, helping her.

The boy kissed her forehead lightly before nodding his head in the direction to walk. The Metkayina girl had been extremely busy recently as all sibilings had done nothing but help their mother during her pregnancy.

"You seem stressed."

Her boyfriend asked her though it was true. She was stressed.

Also, Neteyam was overdue a visit to his grandmother and old friends. So the boy put two and two together,

"Ilyana come home with me."

Home. To Ilyana home was in Awa'atlu, by the reef. In the water. But to Neteyam, home was in the forest. Flying through the sky, running through the plants.

Although the boy had adapted to become a warrior in the Metkayina clan, his heart and soul was still Omaticaya and he would never let this go.

Ilyana had never been to the Pandora forests before. Neteyam, Lo'ak and the other Sullys always told her stories and how beautiful it was.

It was only right for her to see for herself.

Neteyam informed both of their parents briefly before, and had already packed everything for their journey.

Mounting his ikran, Neteyam pulled Ilyana up behind him placing a secure hand on her leg.


A familiar sense flowed through Neteyam as they flew into the hallelujah mountains, were the Omaticaya camp was.

The clan was safe after the Sullys left and it was as if war had never happened but Mo'at was lonely, considering all her family was gone.


Neteyam spoke with open arms. His fragile grandmother immediately fell into his grasp, tightly embracing his eldest grandson.

Other Omaticaya Na'vi were aware of Turok Makto's son return and all went to greet him.

Having been surrounded by so many unfamiliar people, Ilyana felt as if she was intruding. This was not her home, it was not her place. It was a mistake and Neteyam should have left her at her own home.

The Metkayina girl spun on her heels, before taking a last glance at Neteyam and started to walk off when a tight grasp grabbed ahold of her wrist.

Ilyana turned to face the Tsahìk of Omaticaya. Had it been anyone else Ilyana would have continued to walk.

"Where are you going young lady?"

Mo'at was wise and no doubt humourous, but her voice was loud and Neteyam had averted his attention from his friends, to his girlfriend and grandmother.

It had appeared he was too late when he spotted his grandmother dragging Ilyana around their camp, introducing her to everyone as her grandson's girlfriend.

"I will take care of her. Do not worry Teyam!"

Mo'at called out as the two walked off. Ilyana simply shrugged in Neteyam's direction as he rolled his eyes.

He was not worried for Ilyana, she was in good hands but her safety was key and the thought of her being almost alone in an unknown area for her brought him slight discomfort.


"So... is she older?"

Neteyam's friends had been constantly teasing him since they arrived. It was untraditional for Neteyam to be worshiping as he did with Ilyana.

"Bro! Shut up."

Traditionally, they all guessed she was in her late teenage years but when he told them she was a few months younger than him they all flipped.

Neteyam was 13 and he had developed a crush on a girl who everyone called 'deé'. Most could say she was popular among the older kids. Having been 16.

When Neteyam and his friends found this out they non-stop teased him around a girl who looked like she was 3-4 years older than themselves.

"I really like her guys."

It was inevitable that Neteyam was totally head over heals for her. The boy worshipped Ilyana. To him, she was royalty. Something he had to protect and love with his life — which he had already done before.

Everyone found it so unnatural for Neteyam to be feening for someone like this but it was a blessing nevertheless. He had always cared so much for his family and their safety it was time he could relax and focused on what he loved.

Ilyana. That was what he loved.

*ೃ༄ AUTHOR'S NOTE; two chapters from 2 diff stories in a day. i'm spoiling ym!!
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