039. 𝙨𝙝𝙪𝙩 𝙪𝙥

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The Na'vi kids and Spider were still sat around. The teasing had eventually died down, though someone would bring it up again just to result in laughter.

Their conversation turned into a mating topic and although many were still too young to even think about it, it was no reason for the older teenagers to give the youth some advice.


Tuk squealed, covering her ears when Rotxo mentioned how babies were made.

"It is the same. Human or Na'vi."

Neteyam pointed out. Nodding towards Spider too. He wasn't always acknowledged, the boy would barely even speak. But when he did it would often go unheard or intentionally ignored.

"Have you mated?"

A young Na'vi girl asked. She was 13 maybe 14 but she had no knowledge of Ilyana and Neteyam's past and had no intention to lead what was about to happen.

Ao'nung looked around the group, a few others did too. And all of their gazes landed on Ilyana and Neteyam. Of course, Neteyam was clueless to this once again and just thought they were trying to be funny.

"Neteyam and Ilyana mated before he died."

Spider spoke out, laughing. No one else found it funny. Instead, the joke was no longer humorous. Everyone stopped laughing and talking, their eyes plastered onto Spider's. Tsireya simply closed her eyes and shook her head, praying to Eywa that her friends would not kill this poor boy.

"What the fuck."

Was the only thing Neteyam could say.


Lo'ak was scared, his friend was in grave danger. Ao'nung shared a look with his sister and Ilyana narrowed her eyes at the outcast. The human boy who couldn't keep his mouth shut.

"You are such a little.."

Her words trailed off as she pounced towards him, pulling out her blade from her waist. Rolling around, she had merely missed his head on purpose.

"Get away!"

Lo'ak shouted as they all chase Ilyana who was chasing Spider across the coast. Ilyana hissed as she grew closer to Spider. She tilted her head and laughed histerically. There was no point in putting in all this effort.

She simply picked him up by his torso, effortlessly and ripped his mask off his face. Ilyana watched as he struggled to breath and craved air, dropping him into the sand.

Carelessly, she walked off not looking behind her. She couldn't care less whether he was dead or not.

She cared mostly about what he had said. Neteyam surely heard it and if not someone definitely repeated it to him. This would hurt them all. Neteyam, Ilyana and the other girl — Tsofià.

*ೃ༄AUTHORS NOTE; i can't decide whether i want spider dead or not but nevertheless i'm ending his story here because i despise this boy so much. furthermore he is basically dead to me but do what u will with this chapter.
lowkey should thank him tho but i can't say too muchhh
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𝐅𝐀𝐂𝐀𝐃𝐄, neteyamWhere stories live. Discover now