''Be welcome, as we join together in celebration. Tonight is only its beginning. We honor the crown's oldest and fiercest ally, House Velaryon. Reaching back to the days of Old Valyria and the Age of Dragons. With House Targaryen and H...' Viserys began but the door swung open and stopped him mid speech the guests started murmuring, Aislynn smirked bringing her glass to her lips.

''The King will not be happy.''

''Right in the midst of his speech.'

''The beacon on the High tower, do you know what color it glows when Old town calls its banners to war?''

''Green.'' Aislynn declared leaning towards them. "It glows green." 

"What is she doing?" Harwin hissed. 

"Making an entrance." Aislynn murmured. 

"Today is the princess Rhaenyra's day." Harwin reminded her. 

"Every day is Rhaenyra day." Aislynn gripped. Harwin shook his head downing his cup. "You arent mad... are you?" Aislynn questioned. Alicent walked forward her dress a deep green as she kept her head held high as she approached the table making her way to Viserys' side.

'Congratulations, stepdaughter. What a blessing this is for you.'' Alicent remarked as she kissed Viserys cheek lightly.

''Please be seated.''

'Where was I?'' Viserys said with a soft cough.

'The joining of the two houses, Your Grace.'' Lyonel remarked. Viserys cleared his throat.

"No its just not becoming of the queen to make such an entrance on such an important occasion." Harwin whispered. 

"She is the queen." AIslynn reminded him. "She can make a sexy entrance whenever the hell she wants." 

 'Yes. With House Targaryen and House Velaryon united, I hope to herald in a second Age of Dragons in Westeros.'' The crowd broke into an applause and cheers. ''And after tonight's small affair... Seven days of tournament and feasting. At the end of it all... At the end of it all, a royal wedding... between my daughter, my heir... your future Queen... and Ser Laenor Velaryon, the heir to Driftmark.'' The drums picked up again as Viserys finished.

''I was never much of a dancer.'' Rhaenyra remarked as Laenor offered his hand and lead her out for their first dance to set off the night.

''It's not much different to combat.'' Laenor informed her.

''Hm, I shall hope for a different outcome.''


''Your Grace.'' Hobet remarked

''We thank you for coming, uncle.'' Aislyn remarked, Alicent nodded in agreement.

''I worried that given leave of your father's shadow, you might wither in King's Landing's sun. But you stood tall. Know that Old town stands with you.''

"So sweet he is." Aislynn declared. "Am I overshadowing you? This is quite the dress." Alicent laughed out as Aislynns gaze shifted. "Do you see Harwin?"

"No." Alicent answered peering around. "Privy perhaps." she offered. 

"Probably, he drank quite a bit." Aislynn agreed. "Finny dance with me." Aislynn declared reaching for him. 

''Has anybody ever told you you're nearly as pretty as your brother?'' Daemon said as he danced around Laena

''Well, you flatter me, my Prince.'' LAena told him ''I was sorry to hear about your lady wife.''

''Don't be, I wasn't. My lady was never very kind to me.''

''I know who it is.'' Joffrey mused to Laenor. "The handsome paramour."

It's Time To Go // Criston Cole // Harwin StrongWhere stories live. Discover now