11. Moody Lil Bitch

Start from the beginning

"What happened when Father sent you back?" Alicent questioned.

'With the Triarchy now sheltering in Bloodstone's caves, the threat of the dragons is blunted.' Tyland told Viserys following him down the feast table.

'They don't have foot soldiers.' Viserys reminded him piling food on his plate.

'But their sell swords have been withdrawing in droves, Your Grace. Even the mercenaries can see that it is a losing effort.' Tyland went on.

'Where's Rhaenyra?" Viserys questioned Criston.

'I cannot be sure at present, Your Grace.' Criston whispered back. Aislynn smiled back at him as she passed.

'The Velaryon forces have suffered heavy attrition, Your Grace.' Tyland went on. 'The seeds of dissent are sown amongst the rank and file. Daemon has driven the men hard. They have begun to question his command. If the crown were ever to intervene...'


' ...now is the time.' Tyland finished.

"Well father engaged me to a Luca Changretta and I met him and he was handsome, charming, Gods he had this wonderful dornish accent!" Aislynn declared.

"That sound wonderful." Alicent agreed. "What happened?"

"He got into a tiff with John. Damn near killed him." Aislynn informed her. "Then Arthur killed him."

'Daemon and The Sea Snake started their war without His Grace's leave. Were he to intervene now after so long, it would make the crown appear weak.' Otto told Tyland as the feast bickered around them. 

'Can someone tell me where in the Seven Hells Rhaenyra might be?' Viserys demanded.

"He killed your betrothed?" Alicent whispered back.

"You know the boys they are temperamental and I wasnt about to marry a man that wanted to control me and think he could one up our brothers. He had to go. Handsome and charming as he was, his heart was twisted." Aislynn declared. "I want the total package. Bravery, charms, good looks and a good heart."

"Good luck, that man doesnt exist." Alicent remarked.

"I know. And in the meantime, our brothers handle the rotten apples... you know their offer stands about Viserys."



♪ Under the dragon's eye ♪ ♪ Under the dragon's eye ♪

'Again.' Rhaenyra demanded as she sat under the tree reading, avoiding the party, the world really, she hated that Alicent became queen, married her father and bore him sons.

'Perhaps the Princess might like to hear something else?'

'She would not. Play it again.' Rhaenyra instructed. He cleared his throat and began to sing again.

♪ She fled with her ships ♪ ♪ And her people ♪ ♪ Her heart broken for those ♪ but he stopped singing immediately upon seeing the queen.

'Your Grace.' He said standing up. "My Lady."

"My title is really lame compared to your grace." Aislynn teased.

"I thought you didnt care for titles?" Alicent countered as Aislynn hugged her tight.

"I dont but when they say it like that... pft." Aislynn teased.

'Did I say to stop?' Rhaenyra questioned not looking  up from her book 'From the beginning.'

♪ She fled with her ships ♪ he kept singing.

'Rhaenyra?' Alicent questioned.

'Yes, my Queen?' Rhaenyra answered annoyed.

'Your presence is wanted in the outer courtyard. The royal hunt readies to depart.' Alicent offered a hand running over her very large and very pregnant stomach.

'I've decided to remain here and read instead.' Rhaenyra told her still not looking up.

"Moody little dragon." Aislynn whispered.

' You may go, Samwell.' Alicent told him and he stopped singing again

'You are to stay by order of the Princess.' Rhaenyra countered and Samwell looked between the queen and princess nervously.

"Rank and title honey. Think it through." Aislynn suggested but Rhaenyra glared back at them.

'The Queen commands you to leave the Godswood at once.' Alicent told him.

'Princess. Your Grace.' He said leaving quickly.

"Commands him." Aislynn applauded. "That was wonderful."

"Lynnie," Alicent whispered as Aislynn hugged her gently tipping her head into Alicent's. 'The King wishes for you to join us.'

'The King has much to celebrate. He does not need me.' Rhaenyra reminded her bitterly.

"He doesnt." Aislynn agreed. Rhaenyra glared back at her. Alicent was her sister, her blood and Rhaenyra had become quite the bitch. Aislynn didnt like it. SHe didnt like being sent home to find a match when her sister was here and clearly needed Aislynn here.

'He wants for us all to be together. Perhaps the hunt could be... fun.' Alicent offered.

'Is it the King's command?' Rhaenyra said staring straight ahead.

'Yes, but it...' Alicent said hesitantly.

'Then at once, Your Grace.' Rhaenyra said slamming her book shut.

'But it needn't be. None of it needs be this way in truth, Rhaenyra.' Alicent said hopelessly as Rhaenyra marched past her.

"Moody little bitch." Aislynn remarked. "Don't worry Ali, I'm here for you. We dont need her."

It's Time To Go // Criston Cole // Harwin StrongWhere stories live. Discover now