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KXILYÄ WOKE WITH a start, as she shot up. Multiple wires were connected to her body, restricting her movement, while she cringed and yanked them off.

Her hands grasped to her chest, to find a white bandage that was wrapped around her torso. She was still wearing her clothing, except for her chest piece.

' What the.. ' She whispered, as her eyes searched the room for cameras. In every corner, a camera laid staring at her. There was a mirror in front of her, however it had much more detail than the old, cracked mirror at their home in the forest.

She felt uncomfortable, covering her chest while her eyes flickered from the different cameras.

She stiffened her spine, jumping off the bench she was laying on. She decided not to care about her bare chest, letting her hands dropped as she laid a finger on the glass of the mirror.

Jake had taught her about the mirror trick to test of it was a fake mirror. She tilted her head, as a smile tugged on her lips when it indeed was.

She stared into the mirror, hoping to find a weak point, or a crevasse in the glass she could pick at, till she could get through the glass.

But it was no use. There was no weak point where she could see through, and the glass was spotless with no cracks.

She punched at the mirror, testing its durability. It didn't move, nor crack. She hissed in pain at the contact, shaking her hand.

' Is that what you do all day? What, did you take my top so you can jerk off like the pigs you are?! ' She screamed, banging into the glass once more. ' Let me out! '

She waiting in silence, hoping for an answer. When there wasn't, she groaned in frustration, her tail lashing as she stalked around the room.

She fell against the wall, her hands resting on her knees while her eyes stared daggers into the door. She closed her eyes, worrying about the family. What were they thinking right now? Were they worried?

Did they even notice?

She snapped her eyes towards the door as her ears pricked up at the sounds of air hissing.

Spider was thrown into the cell, protesting while he squirmed to get out of the avatars grasp. ' Let me go! ' He screamed, before he was thrown to the ground. He had his mask on.

She scoffed, banging her head against the wall. The last thing she wanted was to be stuck in a cell with Spider.

Spider banged at the door, attempting to pull it open. She rolled her eyes at him.

' There's no point. Just stop. ' Kxilyä groaned, rubbing her temples from the headache that pressed into the back of her head.

Spider turned, taking a double take at her, his eyes widening. He stared.

' Stop looking. ' She hissed, her ears pinning to the sides of her head. Spider immediately looked away, towards the ground, the pinkness on his cheeks visible. She scoffed at him. ' What, have you never seen breasts before? ' She let out a breath laugh.

' No. ' He admitted.

' Damn. That's just sad. ' a smile tugged onto Kxilyä's lips. Of course he hadn't.

' Sorry. ' He mumbled, falling against the wall.

They sat in silence for a couple minutes. Kxilyä looked to the ground.

She snapped her gaze back up as the familiar sound of air hissing from the door opening took her attention once more. Quaritch stepped in.

Kxilyä stood up, her tail lashing. ' What do you want with me? '

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