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THE WARM LIGHT shone on her face, as her eyes fluttered open at the bright light. She sat up, looking down at Lo'aks sleeping body. His breath was steady, and he looked peaceful. She smiled.

She walked back over to the river, letting her hand drag with the stream.

Lo'ak  blinked his eyes open, seeming to have woken up by the movement. He reached his hand towards where she used to lay, a flash of panic jumped to his mind as he shot up.

When his eyes landed on Kxilyä crouched down near the river, he let out a sigh in relief. Kxilyä was zoned out, listening to the wildlife and taking in the sounds.

She'd never hear them again.

Kxilyä wondered if you could still see lor atan from the reefs. She hoped so. She prayed so.

Lo'ak sat beside her, dangling his legs into the water. She sighed, doing the same, as she rested her head on his shoulder. He snaked his hand around her waist, as he kissed the top of her head.

' Do you think your ready to go? ' He whispered, watching as a fish jumped up from the water.

She faltered. ' I don't know. ' She answered honestly, her hand trailing in the cold stream.

Lo'ak took in a deep breath. ' We'll come back. One day, we'll come back to the forest, when the war is finished. When we can be happy, and when we can start our own family, without war and without fear. ' He spoke in a low voice.

' Yeah? '

' Yeah. Im imagining it now. Our little kids running across the forest, and splashing eachother with water in this very river. ' He smiled at the thought, ' Our first one would have your eyes. '

She sat up, staring into Lo'aks eyes. She smiled, as he pushed a piece of hair behind her ear.

Kxilyä took in another deep breath, breathing in the fresh scent of the trees and the air in her home. ' We'd better go back. ' She whispered, her heart aching at the thought of it.

He winced. ' We don't have to if you're not ready. ' He said faintly, as he brushed her hair past her shoulder.

' If we stay any longer I might just never leave. ' She answered honestly, looking for his reaction. His gaze softened when his eyes met hers, and he nodded.

' We'll come back here. I'll make sure of it. ' His voice grew stern. A smile tugged on the corners of her lips.

' Okay. ' was all Kxilyä could say. She looked forward to their future, with their children in her home. She'd hope she could raise her kids like how she grew up with the Sully family.

' Ready to go back? ' He whispered, taking his hand in hers.

She reluctantly nodded, stepping up back onto the grass. He led her through the trail, but she hesitated, taking one last look at her river.

Her heart throbbed, but she snapped her head away, looking forward.

When they reached hometree, jumping onto the hard platform, the two got a stern look from Jake.

' Where were you? We were supposed to leave two hours ago! ' He demanded.

' Sorry. ' She mumbled, as Lo'ak squeezed her hand in an attempt to reassure her.

' We have to go to the tree of souls. Just- get your Ikran so we can go. ' Jake shook his head, turning the corner.

Kxilyä let go of Lo'aks hand, gripping onto a branch as she heaved herself up. She climbed up the branches, her eyes scanning the multiple Ikran flying from the trees. She called out to Kxia, who snapped around the corner and landed in front of her.

She smiled, slipping onto the back of her Ikran. Lo'ak turned the corner, already on his Ikran and in the air. Kxilyä adjusted her visor, before they shot up into the air.

She knew the way to the tree of souls by heart, and so it didn't take long to reach it. When they landed in the clearing surrounded by Na'vi, Kxia and Lo'aks Ikran flapped their wings at eachother after they had jumped off.

Kxia snapped playfully at his Ikran, slapping him with his tail. She slipped her visor off.

She took Lo'aks hand in hers, as they walked up towards the rest of the family. Neytiri looked like she was holding back her tears, as she held Tuk's hand who stood beside her. Kiri and Neteyam stood behind them, silent.

For them to leave, Jake could no longer be Olo'eyktan. Tarsem would take over his role. He was wise for his years, and a known warrior, so Jake knew he'd make a good leader.

Kxilyä watched as the ceremony begun, and the leaders necklace was placed around Tarsem's shoulders. She felt her heart ache, because she knew that in a matter of minutes she would have to leave her home.

When the ceremony finished, she looked over to Neytiri, watching as a small tear streamed down her cheek. Jake turned to his family, giving them a look. They knew it was time.

Kxilyä took another glance at the tree of souls, feeling a part of her heart break. Tears clouded her vision, as they slowly stained her cheeks. They walked through the path, the Na'vi surrounding them whispering. She didn't dare to look up at them.

For some reason, she almost felt embarrassed. They were fleeing from the war, instead of sticking and fighting for the clan.

It was going to be a long journey ahead of them in order to get to the reefs.

Kxilyä settled her visor on her head, calling to Kxia who snapped his head up and flew over. She sighed, stroking his head before she jumped onto his back. Neytiri situated Tuk in front of her, and the rest of the family did the same as Kxilyä.

' Ready? ' Jake called to the family. And they all flew up into the air. It took a few minutes to get out of the hallelujah mountains, and she savoured every second of it, memories still vivid in her mind.

They sailed off of the edge, as she watched when the land turned to open water crashing agains the rocks. She turned around, taking one last look at her home. Trees swayed in the wind, as Ikran leaped from rocks. Her heart ached to be back on her land. She begun second guessing her decision. But it was too late to turn back now.

She turned her gaze, instead looking straight ahead at nothing but the ocean.

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