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Kxilyä Te Ämap 'Oneewea'ite was born under a full moon. The cold light shone on her face, as her green eyes shone. She did not cry when she was born. She only stared at her mother, as if she had found her light.

She was unnaturally small, as her hand wrapped around her fathers pinky. Her gentle hand gripped roughly onto his finger, as her father smiled at the sight.

"Kxilyä, I will protect you until my last moments. To that, I swear." He said. Kxilyä giggled.


"Oh, Kxilyä. My light, my hope, and my heart." Her mother smiled at the baby in her arms. Kxilyä babbled, squirming in her mothers arms. Her mother giggled.

"Ah, my two beautiful girls." Her father smiled greatly as he stepped into their home. Her mother smiled, stepping up and greeting him with a kiss on his cheek.

"Dada!" Young Kxilyä stuttered. Her mother and father gave each-other a glance, before they erupted into laughter. Her father picked her up from her arms.

"Yes! Your first words!" He laughed, as he kissed her on her head. Kxilyä pressed a hand on his cheek, smiling with a gaping smile.

"That's not fair!" Her mother pouted, walking over. "Do you forget who held you for 9 months in her stomach and birthed you?" She tickled Kxilyä's stomach, lifting her up in the air. She threw her up, catching her before throwing her again.

Kxilyä erupted into laughter, her squeals filling the room.

"Maybe she just loves me more." Her father mused, kissing her mothers cheek.

"Yeah right. Don't hold your pride up so high."


"Mama!" Young Kxilyä called out, as her mother peeked her head around the corner.

"Yes?" She yelled back, slowly walking over. Kxilyä pointed to the fish in the river, as it slowly swam towards her. She placed her hand in the water, as the fish circled it.

"Look at the fish!" She smiled, laughter erupting from her small body. The fish slowly swam away, and her smile dropped. ' Where did it go? ' she pouted.

"It probably has to go back to its family." Her mother smiled as she picked up her toddler, placing her on her lap. She brushed her short hair out of her face. "Just like you. It's time for dinner." She stood up, placing her toddler on her shoulder.


"No buts!"



"Look, dad, I got one!" Kxilyä laughed, holding up the fish on a spear.

"Look at you, mighty fisher! That's a big one!" He smiled, taking the spear out of her hand. "We'll cook this one."

"Do I get to eat it?" She questioned, looking back towards the pond she found the fish in. He nodded.

"Come on, let's go show your mother." He picked her up, throwing her over his shoulder as she squealed in laughter.

"Dad, put me down!" She said through laughs, her hair dangling in front of her face.

"Never." He laughed, as they ran through the forest towards the village.


"Wake up, Kxilyä!"  Her mother said in a sing-songy voice, tapping her shoulder. "It's your first day in Dr. Augustine's school."

She groaned. "But I don't want to go!" She said while sitting up.

"Well that's too bad." Her mother smiled, before picking her up and placing her on her feet.

Her father was in the door, waiting for the two.

"I'm learning fine with you teaching me! I don't need to learn English." She protested, her tail lashing.

"It's a good opportunity! You can make friends. I'm worried about you, ma atan, you must make friends. Branch out. You never know who you could meet."

Kxilyä hesitated. "Fine. But can you come with me?"She mumbled. Her mother nodded.

"Okay, come on, or we will be late!" She ushered Kxilyä out the house, as the family made their way to the school.

Chatter erupted from the den that was Dr. Augustine's school, aswell as laughter. She hesitated at the door.

Her mother sighed, before kneeling down in front of her. "I know it's scary. But her school has been open for a while, and they offered a place for you! It's a good opportunity, Kxilyä. I'll stay with you, okay?"

She hesitated, but nodded, as they walked into the school. She hid behind her mothers legs, as her mother greeted Dr. Augustine and Jake Sully and his family. She introduced Kxilyä.

"This is Kxilyä." She smiled, as she lead her daughter in front of her.

"This is Neteyam," Neytiri placed a hand on one of the boys shoulders, as she smiled. "This is Kiri," She pointed to one of the girls, who was inspecting a leaf outside the hut. "And this is Lo'ak." She pushed on of the boys in front of her, as he nodded towards me.

"Hi." She said softly, waving faintly.

"Hello." He said back. Kxilyä smiled.

Jake and her father were lost in conversation.

"Okay, everyone! Time for the first exercise." Dr. Augustine called, and Kxilyä sat down.

All Kxilyä could hear was gunshots. All she could see was fire and smoke, and hearing the screams of her people surrounding the hut. Her mother gasping for air beside her, with a gunshot in her chest, and her father with smoking burns all along his body, motionless.

Kxilyä didn't know what to do. She cried beside her, feeling numb, as the hut filled with smoke. The last thing she remembered was someone pulling her out of the hut, and her screams of protest, before everything went black.

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