Editors Note

50 1 0

3 things:

1: Editor's Notes and Editor's Updates are two different things. Notes are more purely focused on the story, while Updates involve real-life stuff, too. While this is more of an Update, I felt this belonged as a note, as it focuses more on the story, not me

2, and the main reason for this: Wow. I had to come back post writing past this chapter to just say wow. 50 chapters. I genuinely didn't see that coming. But I'm happy it made it this far. This story has a lot left in it. Some good chapters, some bad. But what do you expect in a longer story, lol. I'm super proud of this little project. Who knows how much is left, but all I know is that this is just the beginning. Like I said, I have a lot of different stories I can write all in just this one. I just wanted to thank you for the support.

3: I actually thought I posted this months ago, lol. Truthfully, a lot is genuinely going on in my life. I'm struggling to find mental time to focus on this story. I will eventually return, and I'm sorry it's taken so long to give any updates to you guys at all. I love each and every one of you who has supported me in this story at one point or another. I do actually have a couple of chapters that were almost ready that I wanted to adjust, but I just couldn't figure out how.
I want to make a promise: whenever I write a chapter (starting AFTER I fix the chapters I've written that aren't released), I'll release them immediately. No more "back pile of chapters waiting to be spread out."

If you still are reading and still support me, I greatly appreciate you...thank you

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