Chapter 21: What happened?

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(Tsuyu’s POV)

I woke up in a dimly lit room, chained to the wall. All that was in the room was the light hanging from the ceiling. My head was killing me. My cheek was aching and my jaw felt broken. I let out a weak groan. I was trying to figure out where I was when I heard a deep voice.

“Well well well. Look who finally woke up. Took you long enough.” I heard a flick in the distance and the room brightened up quickly, blinding me. “Where am I? What happened?” I had hundreds, if not thousands of questions running through my mind.

He chuckled. “That doesn’t matter little girl. All that matters is you answer one question honestly.” He got up to my face. He was so close I could smell him. “How much do you value your life?”

“Y-you don’t scare me.” I snapped back. Truth be told, I was very scared. I had no clue what happened, or how I got here. Or where here even was.

“You got a lot of guts to be talking to the head of this organization. Maybe you don’t know who we are. We are assassins. I could kill you effortlessly.” He started backing away and chuckling. “Maybe, you’re not scared because you don’t know me. Serpent, go grab the boy.”

I was so focused on the man in front of me, I didn’t realize the snake-like creature in the corner. “Yesssssss massssster” It hissed in a raspy voice. I looked around a bit more to see if anyone else was here. It was just me and him. 

I lashed my tongue out at him while his back was turned, but he just sidestepped it and caught it. “You know frog girl, if it was up to me, this tongue would’ve been chained up too. But my boys convinced me otherwise. Don’t make me change my mind again. This is your one and only warning you’ll ever get.” He threatened me, letting my tongue go, which I instantly retracted into my mouth.

After what felt like hours, I saw the snake man come back. Behind him was a kid, no more than 5 years older than me. “Hello frog girl. I’ve been watching you for a while. You seem like a popular girl. One that would be missed by many if we killed you.” He threatened.

He chuckled, with a grin on his face. “Don’t worry. We have no intentions on killing you. In fact, quite the opposite. You’re needed for the biggest assassination attempt yet from anyone in our family. We plan on killing all of your classmates...and the pro heros, and you’re needed to be left alive.”

“W-why would I help you kill my classmates?” I stated, still writhing in pain.

Once again, he chuckled, pacing around the room. “You see, you don’t have a choice. We need a video of you, trapped in these chains, helpless. If you cry for help, then they will see you’re in pain. If you ignore the camera, they see you’re being held hostage. No matter what, you’re our bait.” He stopped pacing and turned to look at me. “Now meet the person who came up with this plan. Come on in, brother.”

I started to hear footsteps getting louder and louder. I started to struggle a little, scared of what was to come. The person turned the corner, and I gasped as soon as he did, breaking down into tears, while he just smiled.

“Hello Tsu. Nice to see you’re awake.” (Y/N said)

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