Chapter 34: A Feeling of Betrayal

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(Bakugo's POV)

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" I screamed. "THAT'S IT? He gives one small speech, and you all just FORGIVE HIM? HE TRIED KILLING US ALL FOR HIS OWN DESIRES!" I yell, visibly pissed off. 

"Now now Bakugo, calm down." Aizawa said, trying to calm me down, which just pissed me off more. 


Todoroki came up to me and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Bakugo, you're mad. That's understandable. But, please calm down a little." He asked.

I take a deep breath, and turn my attention back to (Y/N) "Listen here, you little runt. You don't just drop a pipe bomb on us, revealing you're the son of an villainous family, "kidnap" your girlfriend to use as "bait" to get us to fight a battle, just so you can get some revenge." I say, quieter, but still having a tone, while putting kidnap and bait in air quotes.

"I totally get it Bakugo. I told you, I don't expect forgiveness. I wouldn't forgive me if I was you guys. Hell, I don't forgive myself anyway.  But here's the thing…" He trails off, his eyes wandering around the room.

"Eyes on me asshole." I demanded. He turns his attention back to me. "I'm just lucky to have friends like this who forgive me." He said with a smile, ticking me off again.

"Whatever, I'm done here. You all can keep putting on an act for (Y/N) to make him feel better or less guilty, but let's not forget that some of you wanted him gone just the other day." I informed him.

"Y-you don’t mean that, do you Bakugo?" Tsuyu questioned, still teary-eyed from (Y/N)'s lame ass speech. I chuckle and turn around, staring her dead in the eyes.

"Yes I do. Now shut your damn mouth." I commanded, causing her to flinch. I chuckle, as Ochako and Midoriya go to comfort her.

I turn around again to leave, but as I'm doing so, (Y/N) slowly stands up, holding onto the wall to stand. "You want to say that again? Or do you want to apologize to her?" He threatened. I'm stunned for a second, then just laugh.

"You've got guts man. I've always admired that. But sometimes those guts are bigger than your brain. So tell me, what are you going to do about it?" I mocked, putting one arm in a slinged position. 

"You. Me. 3 days from today. One on one. I win, you apologize to Tsuyu. You win, I leave this school. Because despite me saying I was going to leave, these people…" he points around the room."These people changed my mind and showed I'm still welcomed here if I want to stay. And I'd be damned if I don't want to now!" He challenged. 

I chuckle once again. "You're on, you bastard. But just know, I'll be fighting to end you." I warn walking out of the room.

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