Chapter 9: My Quirk?

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(Your POV)

I look over, seeing my brother knock out the first bully with a quick kick to the back of the guy's head, which is something I've never seen him do.

Suddenly, the second bully bulks up and begins to grow a few inches. He ran up to Mosu and delivered a running elbow to the back off his head, flattening him to the ground. I heard a loud cracking sound when he landed, making me grimace and shield my eyes.

I couldn't look, but I couldn't look away either. I hid my face in my hands and retreated to my safe spot. A spot in my mind. I feel like I'm there for hours, but I'm only there for a second or two. I've always pictured it like my second home.

'What do I do? what do I do?!' I thought anxiously to myself. "He's so much bigger and stronger than I am. He just knocked out Mosu in two strikes, with one elbow! There's no way I can win."

I paced back and forth in my mental escape, trying to think of a way to win. Suddenly, I saw something different, something I've never seen when I'm in my mind.

I see a light flicker in the tree house nearby. I walk out of my 'safe home' and head to the 'tree house' to take a look.

I climb up to take a closer look at the light. It was a blueish purple orb made of light. I reached out, holding it in my hands as I examined it. Suddenly, the orb of light entered my body through my chest, and then it hit me. A feeling I've never had before. I know what I had to do.

I opened my eyes just in time to see the bully use his foot to crush my brother's head into the ground as I stared through the spaces between my fingers.

I lost it. I completely lost it and yelled out in anger. The bully looked over at me and fell down, scooting back in fright. "W-what are you doing?" He questioned, worried for his own life. I throw a ball him. I'm not quite sure what it was. It formed spontaneously from my hand. It shot forward, barely missing his head. But I wasn't looking to hurt him.

I was looking to kill him.

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