Chapter 32: Happiness and Disappointment

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(Your POV)

The next morning, I wake up, seeing Tsu sitting there, still next to me. It doesn't look like she's moved an inch. She's sitting there just relaxing, till she notices I'm awake now.

"Morning sleepy head. I'm relieved. I was starting to think you waking up yesterday was just a dream, ribbit." She croaks, then giggles. "How are you feeling?"

I struggle to sit up, but end up doing so rather quickly, wincing only slightly. "My head hurts, my arm's in a sling, and my wrist is wrapped up. But there's the fact I'm looking at you, so I'm doing really, really good." I flirt a little. 

She tears up, and gives me a big hug, me embracing her with one of my own before we give each other a nice, loving kiss.

"I've really missed you (Y/N) were out almost 3 weeks." She states. '3 weeks!' I think to myself. "It feels like I've been out even longer than that. I'm starving." I joke, laughing a little. 

I look her dead in the eyes, but she looks away. I think for a second before wrapping my arm around her, pulling her in for another big kiss.

"Listen, Tsu…I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry I hurt you. I'm sorry I put you in harm's way. I'm sorry for having you fight my battles. I'm sorry for making you worry. I'm sorry for…" my thoughts trail off as now she kisses me again.

"Listen, (Y/N). I love you. I love you with all my heart. We're always going to be there for each other. You mess with one of us, you mess with both of us." She reassured me. "Also, I don't care about being in harm's way. I'm a hero in training after all, ribbit."

Suddenly, Aizawa poked his head in. "(Y/N). It's good to see you're awake. I'm sorry to burst in, but I was walking by and heard that statement, and I wanted to correct you Tsuyu." He stated, leaving us both looking confused. "After the courage, skill, and determination you showed, we wanted to tell you that if you wanted, All Might signed off on some papers. You can be a stand alone hero if you choose too. You can graduate a year early."

"Tsuyu…that's fantastic." I give her a big hug. "You finally get to be a true hero!" I grin, having the biggest smile on my face. "I'm so proud of you babe."

"(Y/N) it ok for the rest of the class to come in?" Aizawa asks. "Yeah, is everything ok?" I question curiously. He shook his head. "All I'll say is we will stop any violence." He remarks, Tsuyu now gripping my hand as he leaves to get the rest of 1-A. We suddenly hear a loud scream very shortly after.


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