Chapter 14: Meeting the Family

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(Your POV)

As I leave her bedroom, I hear a noise coming from the living room. Curious, I walk toward it, peeking my head around the corner, soon seeing Samidare sitting on the couch with the TV on.

“Hey, Samidare.” I greet, walking into the living room as I walked toward him. “How’s it going, man?”

He looks up at me for a second, and then back at his game. “Eh, not bad, I guess.” He replied.

I take a quick glance at what game he’s playing. “A fellow minecraft bedrock player, eh. I used to love playing that game. Was pretty good at it, too.” I said, chuckling a bit to myself.

He looks back up at me. “You used to play this?” He questions, his eyes sparkling as he awaits my response.

I smile and nod. “Almost everyday, actually. Then, school hit me hard right after my birthday, and I lost time for gaming. That’s why my channel’s kinda dead right now.” I said, shrugging my shoulders, not really thinking what I said was really important.

I thought I had his attention before, but now he was giving me his full attention, not even having his hands on his controller. “Channel? Like, a Youtuber? Or a steamer?”

“Youtuber here.” I pull out my phone and show him my channel, and he gasps. “Hang on a second!!”  He then goes and grabs his tablet and pulls up Youtube. “Look!”

He gestured to me to look at the screen as he searched up a Youtuber. Sure enough, he knew who I was. A wide grin spread across his face as he scooted closer to me on the couch, sitting on his knees as his hands held himself up on the arms of the couch.  “That’s so cool! I can’t believe I get to meet an actual Youtuber!!” He bounced up and down for a few moments on the couch as he had his little burst of excitable energy.

I was also happy, but for a completely different reason. I didn’t get a lot of views, nor did I have a lot of subscribers, so to see someone recognize me was a great feeling.

“What’s it like being a youtuber?” He asked me, still bouncing up and down. I told him the ups and downs of being one. I answered all of his other questions.

“Can we play a few rounds? Please, please, please.” This question caught me off guard, but I smiled.

“Of course, we can. Just a reminder, I’m not as good as I used to be, so sorry if I hold you back. Because from the looks of things, you’re pretty good too.”

We just started gaming and ended up losing track of time. After an hour and a half, I realized the time. “Dang it. Sorry man, there’s something very important I got to do. And I was supposed to hang out with your other sister, but there isn’t much time now.’

He seemed disappointed, but understanding. “Aw, okay. I get it. Will you come back over sometime?” He asked, almost a pleading look in his eyes.

I chuckled, nodding my head as I stood up from the couch, “Of course I will. I want to meet your parents one day, so I’ll be over a decent amount.” I reassured him, ruffling his hair after I put away the controller.. “Now, where’s Satsuki’s room? I’d like to meet her before I leave.”

He pointed down the hall to a door on the right. I knock politely before hearing a ‘come in’ from the other side. I open the door and enter her room.

“Hey Satsuki. Sorry about being a while. I kinda lost track of time. But I’m here now. So, ask away. Any questions you want answers to, just ask.” I tell her, a polite and kind smile on my face.

She wastes no time asking me her first question, “ Do you think you and big sis are going to get married one day?”

I instantly turn red, which makes her chuckle. “A-Ah. W-Well, i-it’s still too early to tell... Just know that I do love her, and I promise to take good care of her and make sure nothing bad happens to her.”

She smiles, and then asks me another question. “Do you have any brothers or sisters?”

I smile. “Yea, I have a great older brother. I love him so much. He’s got a gas and electric quirk. He even helped stand up for your sister when we were really young.” My smile widens, thinking back to the day I first met her. I’d never imagined I’d be dating her. Not when I first met her. Not when I arrived at U.A. Not even when we kissed on New Year’s Eve.

“Awwww. When can I meet him? He sounds so cool.” She asks me, a small gleam in her eye.

My smile faded a bit, but I kept my head high. “I don’t know. I haven’t seen him myself in almost two years. But, he’s a tough guy, who had lots of hard training when he was young. So I know he’s doing good.”

Time goes on, and before you know it, it is almost time to head back to the dorms. I say goodbye to Satsuki and give Samidare a fist bump.

“I’ll see you two next time. Be good to Tsu, alright?” I tell them.

“We will! Byeeeeee!” They wave goodbye as we leave.

After we were decently far away from her home, Tsu stopped walking.

“What’s wrong, (Y/N)? Are you ok?” She asks me, worried.

“Yea, I’m fine.” I lied

She sees through this lie swiftly and calls me out for it. “What’s going on, (Y/N)? You’re not normally this sad.”

 I just shake my head, disappointed in myself. “Listen, Tsu. I haven’t been completely honest with you... I… I just didn’t want to scare you away.” I trailed, my eyes trailing off to the side, afraid to meet her gaze.

“(Y/N)...” She pulls me in for a long kiss, before eventually letting it go and settling for a hug. “Listen, (Y/N), I love you. Nothing you say can change that. I will be by your side for as long as you want me to.”

I just cry in her arms, my emotions getting the better of me. Eventually, I calmed down, my eyes drying. “Tsu...You can't say a word about this to anyone… Promise me...”

“Of course I won’t tell anyone! Your secret is safe with me.” She reassured me. “I promise.”

I take a deep breath in, and utter the words I longed to keep secret;

“My parents… and my brother… They’re all villains… I come from a family of villains…”

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