Chapter 23: Catching Up With the Family

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(Your POV)

After shutting off the camera, we let out a nice laugh, jokingly elbowing each other. I started to punch the air, mocking what I did to Tsu, which got Mosu to laugh harder.

We left the cell, turning off the bright light and locking the door behind us, leaving nothing but the dim light and Tsuyu in the room, while she dealt with a burn on her face, and an ache in her heart.

It was somewhat late now, so we decided to make something to eat. Well, more like father told our personal chef to make us something special for us. Believe it or not, despite it being weeks since I rejoined them as part of the family, we haven't sat down and ate together. 

Around 30 minutes later, he called out to us, telling us dinner was done. When we were all seated, he served us our home cooked meal. "Thank you Aslan.”

" guys remembered that's my favorite." I cut a piece off and ate it. "And it's well done too." I said, tears in my eyes, remembering how much I used to love Aslan's steak dinners, and how much I missed it.

"So, what's new family? I'm sure a lot has changed in the years I've been gone." I question curiously.

"Well son, Mosu has since completed the test. He'll be taking over very shortly. I'm sorry you won't get to lead us into the future (Y/N). It's just you showed signs of heroism, and we thought you died. We never expected to see you again, nevertheless for you to rejoin us." He exclaimed. Was it me or did he sound...disappointed?

"Hey (Y/N)" Mosu called. I turned my head toward him, tilting it curiously as my mouth was full. "You know how father started something different, making our family into assassins, right?" I nodded my head. "What if we have a first in our family?"

I finished chewing, and then questioned him. "A first in the family? What do you mean?" He placed his hand on my shoulder. "Let's run this company together, little brother."

I smile and nod. "Let's do this big bro. Together." My father got up and raised his glass. "Cheers! To a bright future!" He exclaimed. "To a bright future!" The rest of repeated, clinking glasses.

My Hero जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें