Chapter 35: Fighting for my Trust

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(Your POV)

3 days passed, and it was time to fight Bakugo. I was still in a sling and was using crutches to walk places since I was constantly getting dizzy.

"Hey (Y/N)? You know you don't need to do this for me, right? I don't want you aggravating your injury anymore than it is." Tsu warned me, trying to keep me safe.

I just smile at her, and she grabs my good arm, wrapping herself around it, trying to calm herself. "Don't worry babe. I'll be fine. It's not just for you, or my pride…I want him to know he can trust me. And if my injured ass can beat him while he's healthy, then he's got to believe me."

I chuckle, cracking that small joke to cheer her up. It works as she giggles herself, now holding onto me more lovingly instead of in a concerned way. We open the door to the training room, Bakugo already in there.

"Well well well. If it isn't the nerdy betrayer and his little girlfriend. I was starting to think you weren't showing." He turns around and instantly walks over to me, kicking my crutch aside

I fall to my knees, unable to stand. "Oh boo hoo. Can the big, bad, bastard not get up to fight me? This should be easy." He mocked.

Tsuyu stepped forward, looking like she was about to lash out at him, but I grabbed her leg to hold her back. Bakugo just chuckled again. "What? Going to let your girlfriend fight your battles? First your family issue, now with me? Pathetic."

Now a fire was lit in my stomach again, the same one that appeared just three days ago before I challenged him. "Tsuyu. Leave. This might get ugly, but I can take care of myself." I demand.

"No (Y/N)! I'm not going any-" She started, till I interrupt her. "NOW!" I repeated, a look of determination in my eyes. She nodded and kissed my head. "You've got this…I believe in you." She said, motivating me before leaving.

Once I see the door close, I turn my attention back to Bakugo. "So, you going to get up so I can kick your ass?" He questioned. I chuckled. "How about you just bring it?." I dared, pissing him off.

He charged at me, ready to blow my head off with punches, but I extend my arm out, breaking the sling and catching his punch at the same time, a look of shock and fear in his eyes.

I take advantage of this, and sweep his legs out from under him, knocking him to the ground. He quickly scoots backwards keeping his eyes on me.

"H-how did you not feel any pain?" He questioned, sounding scared almost. "Are you forgetting?" I mock, in a deep voice. "I was through worse at a younger age. This isn't the first time I was on death's door." I remind him, laying down and then doing a kickflip up to my feet. "And I was back up and fighting in just a few days."

He slowly gets and thinks for a second, then wildly fires explosions around the room. There was no pattern, which normally makes it tough to dodge, but there was too much emotion in the shots, so the gap in between the blasts was large.

I walk right up to him and blast him with a plasma uppercut, knocking him back. "My my, where are you going? We're not done yet." I warn him, walking towards him laying on the ground. I stepped on his foot, turning it sideways as he screams in agonizing pain.

"You think that plasma beam was my only new trick? Watch this." I get on top of him, delivering more shots to him, but only having my fists lightly coated in plasma. I stand up, grab his arm, and put him in a triangle hold. I let out a large scream as my arms and legs engulf in plasma while wrapped around him. I squeeze his neck tightly.

"Y-you win…uncle…uncle…un…cle" He groaned in pain before passing out. I let him go shortly after. Once I did, Midoriya, Tsuyu, and All Might rushed in. 

"Were you three…watching the fight?" I curiously ask, the plasma disappearing from around my limbs. They all nod. Tsu gives me a big hug, wrapping her arms around my waist tightly, followed by a big kiss while Midoriya and All Might checked up on Bakugo.

Midoriya splashes water on his face as he sits up, steam coming off him. He starts gasping for air and looks at me, getting help from All Might to stand up. He walks over to me, looking pissed off. He sighs and extends his arm.

"Listen…you're tough. Hell, you're tougher than me. You kicked my ass with the element of surprise. During that triangle hold, you made me realize that you probably would've just done your fake plan a long time ago if you truly wanted us dead. I'm…I'm sorry I doubted you." 

He then turned to Tsuyu, still keeping his arm extended. "And…I'm sorry to you too. You were just collateral at me trying to lash out at (Y/N). Your feelings for him are true. You did sit there the entire time he was out. You were so worried about him, you even missed classes because you didn't want to leave his side." He informed me.

I look at her. "Is that true? You missed the last 3 weeks of school, because you were worried." I question her, but she just buries her face in my chest, blushing. I kiss her head as I hold her tighter. 

"You are, by far, the best girlfriend I've ever seen. (Y/N)'s lucky to have someone to care for him as much as you do." Bakugo said, making us turn back to him. Seeing how his hand was still extended, I grabbed it and shook it.

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