Chapter 24: The Set Up

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(Your POV)

We continued to eat dinner, chatting and getting caught up on the past few years, having a good laugh here and there. We had a good laugh when Mosu told the story on how he passed the test.

"Ok so, what happened was this. One day, father was really sick, and in a bit of pain. Since there's no real rules to this whole test thing, I figured 'Hey, now's a good time to strike.' I took advantage of his illness and his sprained arm. I managed to steal his watch off his own body by beating him in a fight. Mind you, if he was 100% that wouldn't have work. It probably never would have." He told us, keeping my attention the entire time.

After we finished eating, I looked at the clock and realized the time. "Crap. I need to get back to school now so I can plant the camera. Sorry guys. But don't worry, after tonight, I'll be here permanently." I explained. We got up and they all gave me a hug. I grabbed the camera and headed on out, saying goodnight to them.

I arrived at school with around half an hour to spare before curfew. Nobody was in the lobby, so nobody would see me walking in without Tsu. Nobody was there to question me. 

I snuck up to my dorm room, making as little sound as possible so nobody would be alerted. I quietly opened my door, closing it and locking it just as quietly as soon as I got inside.

I plopped on my bed and let out a huge sigh. Tomorrow was the big day. I get class 1-A to fight my family of assassins. I let out a chuckle, and closed my eyes, drifting into a deep sleep.

My alarm went off at 5 in the morning. I got ready to leave UA for good. I sat down and wrote "play me" on a sticky note. I placed the camera with the video on my bed, and then the sticky note on the camera.

I grabbed my money, my phone, and a few more small items. I left my room, not worried about locking it, as I didn't care if something was taken. I snuck downstairs and out the main doors of the school, drifting away back to the base.

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