Chapter 46: A Challenge?

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(Your POV)

A month has passed since summer vacation started, and me, Tsuyu, Midoriya, Ochako, and Todoroki were all just hanging around in the main room. "All right, I can see what's on everyone's minds, so I'll just say it. We are all just pretty bored. We've done so much, but also so little this summer, and it's only been a month. Now what do we do?" Midoriya brought up, questioning. 

He was right though. I woke up from a coma, fought Bakugo, got into an argument with Tsu, and made up with her. And I'm sure everyone else here had their own things they did too.

We all looked around, a tad bit puzzled. I turned to him. "Well, I guess you're kinda right. At least with me anyway." I explained. "Agreed." The rest of us said one after another. "What do you propose? Ribbit." Tsu questioned, sinking deeper into our cuddle, which I gratefully accepted. 

Todoroki chuckled and pulled out three envelopes. He laid them on the table in front of us. "Tickets to go on a vacation. Six of them. Two in each. Want to join me?" He explained. "Now it's my turn to say what everyone here is thinking. Yeah, of course!" I said excitedly. Then I realized something. "Wait…how did you get them?" I asked.

"Well…um…you see…" He hesitated, then sighed. "I cut a deal with my father. If I let him tutor me, and be as rough with his training as he wants, he'd be a better father." He stopped, looking me dead in my eyes. "(Y/N), your resilience from brutal training allowed you to wake up from a coma after a few weeks, recover to 100% and then fight Bakugo a couple days after waking up after some of us didn't even think you'd wake up." 

I looked around, not surprised by him saying some people didn't think I'd wake up. Midoriya hurts a lot. And while he didn't land a lot of shots, those he did I felt big time. And then the beam destroyed my throat and lungs a bit too.

"I was motivated by you. I wanted to be as resilient as you. And, well, after the fight, I kind of snuck into the building to explore. I got caught, but explained everything, saying I wanted to see just how they trained you to grow to be so resilient, so strong, so determined to fight. I saw the countless dojos. I saw the bulletin boards with the training schedules. I saw just what you went through to become who you are fight wise." He continued.

"So I asked Endeavor to train me. To train me in fights like you did. To push me to limits nobody has ever seen. Not you. Not Midoriya…not even All Might." He sighed. "Thankfully, he held up his end. These tickets are a reward. One envelope has two first class tickets. One has two second class. One has two third class…kind of. They're all on one private jet, but he wanted to give me motivation to do the best I can, even when the results don't matter…I think. I'm not even supposed to know it's going to be a private jet for the six of us. But I overheard it on a call. I'm assuming that it'll still be divided up and all the special treatment." He finished.

"So what do you say, you four in for a little fun contest?" He asked. "Yeah!!" We all exclaimed. "But wait, who's your partner Todoroki?" Midoriya asked. Todoroki slyly grinned. "You'll see. Meet me in the courtyard in two hours." 

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