Chapter 11: Finally Together

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(Your POV)

It's been almost a month since Tsuyu and I had kissed under the fireworks. At first, we both kind of just played it off as an 'in the moment it felt right' kiss, but eventually, we figured out we liked each other. Well, more like, she forced it out of me.

"(Y/N). Earth to (Y/N), ribbit" Tsu croaked out, snapping me from a daydream.

"Oh, hey Tsu. Sorry, I kinda spaced out. What's going on?" I questioned.

She just chuckles cutely. "Oh (Y/N) what would we do without you?" She joked. "Anywho, we're doing a group project, and I just kinda assumed we'd be partners, ribbit."

I let out my own chuckle. "Of course we're partners. I wouldn't want it any other way." I say, smiling, a grin from ear to ear.

"Great! What do you say we meet up and I take you to my place after school so we can work? I can even introduce you to my family, ribbit." She suggests.

"Yea, I'd love that idea." I smile. I've always wanted to see her place, and now I can.

"Great, talk to you after school." She says, giving me a quick hug. I return the hug to her, as she goes to sit back down.

The rest of the day, I can't focus. Once again, I'm constantly daydreaming about Froppy. I couldn't focus, and only very faintly heard the bell ring to show that it was lunch time.

Tsu comes right on over and we start walking to lunch together. Before we reach the cafeteria, Midoriya stops us.

"Hey Tsu. Hey (Y/N). How've you guys been?" He asks politely.

"Pretty good." Tsuyu and I say at the exact time. We chuckle at the perfect timing.

"That's good. Do you guys mind if (Y/N) sits with me today? Alone." Midoriya asks.

"Sure?" We say, questioning him. I was just as confused as Tsuyu was.

"Well, see you after lunch Tsu." I give her a big hug, in which she returns the hug back. I head off to Midoriya, while Tsuyu ends up finding Ochako and sits with her.

"Alright man, what's up?" I asked Midoriya after we got our food and sat down far enough away from the girls so they couldn't hear us.

"Listen, I'm happy for you and Tsu. You two make such a cute couple. Now, it's not my business to ask, so if you don't feel like answering, just say so. But have you two even been on an official date?" He asks

I thought about it. We would sit alone and eat lunch together. We would go outside and cuddle a little by the fountain and little pond she likes. But we never have been on an official date.

"No. I don't think we have." I say, disappointed in myself.

Midoriya notices and places his hand on my shoulder. "It's ok man. I know you're a shy guy. But the hardest part is over. You confessed your feelings. And you two are together. It's been about a month, so maybe you guys should finally go out together." He states

'He makes a good point' I think to myself. I nod. "You're right, thanks bro." I make a mental note to ask her out on a real date sometime.

We end up finishing eating early, so we end up catching up. Now that we both have girlfriends, we have spent less time hanging out. We end up talking until lunch ends. The rest of the day ends up flying by, all the way until the final bell.

Tsuyu walks over to me and we head out of the school. Before we get too far, I remember my mental note.

"Hey Tsu. Before we head to your place, do you want to go grab a bite to eat? There's a nice cafe downtown that's delicious. And, this could end up being our first real date." I suggested to her.

She smiles at me and nods. "I like that idea, Ribbit."

I smile and extend my hand off to the side, grabbing hers. We lace fingers and start walking together toward the cafe.

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