Chapter 8: The Bullies

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(Mosu’s POV)

(Y/n) leads the charge and heads to confront the bullies, with me following. ‘Why is he helping her? They just met, and yet he cares so much to do this for her.’ I think to myself, watching as (Y/N) storms up to the boys.

“Hey! You!” He yells into the group of kids. They look to be 8 years old or so, which is twice his age, and a year or so older than me.

“Who are you?” One of the older kids asked us, obviously irritated as he kicked one of his legs back while he leaned against the swing set.

“My name’s (Y/N)! Why are you guys being so mean to my friend?! Knock it off!” I stared at my brother in surprise. I couldn’t help but be stunned. At only four years old, my own brother has more confidence than I do in social situations. 

At this rate, he’ll be able to take over dad’s company as soon as he’s smart enough. Dad has said many times; “If you’re going to take over this business, you need to be smart, strategic, stonge, and courageous.” He’s already smarter than I was at his age. And he’s braver than I currently am.

“Who? That lame frog girl?” Another boy scoffed, rolling his eyes. “Her quirk is so lame. It won’t ever come in handy in any situation. She might as well just act like she has no quirk, since she basically doesn’t.”

I quickly snap out of my thoughts when I hear that. I turn and face (Y/N) whose face is bright red with anger.

“Don’t. Say that.” He calmly, but aggressively states.

“Or what?” The second bully says smugly.

In a blink of an eye, (Y/N) threw a punch at his gut. He may not be strong, being only four years old, but it caught the kid off guard which caused the second bully to stumble back a bit, holding his stomach.

“You’re dead!” The third and final bully exclaimed angrily, a pair of small horns beginning to sprout on the top of his head. He started charging at (Y/N), his fist pulled back, ready to punch.

I catch him by the back of his shirt, raising my hand to touch his neck. I sent an electric shock through my palm, causing the kid to fall forward, unconscious. 

The other two bullies back up a step and gasp slightly, staring down at their fallen friend. “T-that was our leader. And you just knocked him out.” The first bully states before turning his head to glare at me, raising his hand to point a finger at me. “I had no issue with you, but now, you have to pay too!”

His nails extended out a few inches and became sharp and pointed, looking like claws.They appeared to be stronger as well. He scrapes them against each other, and charges at me, swinging his arms around wildly with no pattern.

I lift my arm, gas beginning to seep from my left hand as the green fumes wrap around his head. He screamed, swinging his arms frantically to wipe away the gas which temporarily blinded him. I punch him in the gut and lift my leg, swinging it down in an ax-kick, deeming him unconscious.

Suddenly, I get hit on the back of the head, my vision going blank for a split second. I fall to the ground, my eyesight blurry. Is it just me, or did the second kid get taller? Not just height wise, but he seemed more muscular as well.

I see him walking over to my brother through blurry eyesight. I try getting up, but I’m in too much pain. The blow on the back of my head was strong. “(Y/N)! WATCH OUT!” I try yelling, yet no words come out, only pain groaned. The last thing I see before passing out is a vibrant blueish-purple light.

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