Chapter 38: Thoughts

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(Tsuyu's POV)

"Excuse me? The hero liking me? Pfft." I start laughing, but she stomped her feet, crossed her hands, and pouted. "I'm not kidding. Whoever it is, they like you. I guarantee you." She promised

"Eh, it doesn't matter to me. I've got (Y/N) by my side. We're partners for life, and I wouldn’t have it any other way." I said dreamily. "Let's go get the food, ok? I want to go home and help (Y/N). Ribbit" I suggested.

"Mhm. Whatever you say Tsu. But just know, even though I know you don't feel that way, I don't feel you hate the idea of a masked person liking you." She teased.

We started walking, but a couple thoughts were going through my head. Ochako said that I don't hate the feeling of a mystery admirer. She's not fully wrong. It's nice, but weird too. I'd never betray (Y/N) but still, I can't blame people for feelings. People like who they like, and I can't force people to feel one way or another about someone, even when that someone is me.

Another thought in my head was something I said. ' I've got (Y/N) by my side. We're partners for life, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.' When I said that, all I could think about was me getting the ok to graduate early if I wanted to. To be a solo hero. Most people would instantly say yes. They'd tell me to 'Go for it. It's been your dream for ages.'

I must've let my mind wander for a while, as Ochako was snapping her fingers in my face. "Hello? Earth to Tsu? We're here. Snap out of it."

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