Chapter 36: A new Hero on the Block

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(Tsuyu’s POV)

About a week has passed since (Y/N) and Bakugo fought. I still had Aizawa's words in my head. 'A real stand alone hero.' This was my dream, but something didn't seem right. I decided that, since now it was the summer, me and (Y/N) could go out and have some fun. I pulled out my phone and shot a quick text to him.

Tsuyu: "Hey love! Would you like to hang out later?"

An hour or so later, I was getting worried. He was normally good at responding reasonably quickly, but not this late. I decided to text Midoriya to see if he can find out what's up with (Y/N)

Tsuyu: "Hey Midoriya. Is (Y/N) OK? I sent him a text an hour ago. Think you could check up on him?"

Midoriya: "Hey Tsu, of course I can. Just give me about 10 or so minutes and I'll be back."

Tsuyu: "Thanks! You're the best."

I waited around, and decided just to get ready for the day anyways while I waited for his answer, since I was getting bored. About 15 minutes later, I got a response from (Y/N)

(Y/N): "Hey babe. I'm sorry, I'm not feeling the greatest today. Just a small stomach bug."

Tsuyu: "Don't apologize. I'm going to run to the store, buy you soup, and you can't say no."

(Y/N): "You're just the best. Love you Tsu."

Tsuyu: "Love you too."

I was a little disappointed we couldn't go out today, but it's understandable. I want him to rest up and get better with good old fashioned soup.

I finished getting ready shortly after, and decided to ask Ochako if she'd like to join.

Tsuyu: "Hey Ochako. I'm heading to the store to pick up soup for (Y/N) care to join?"

Ochako: "I'd love to! Give me a couple minutes and meet me outside."

'Well, at least I'm not alone.' I thought to myself. I made my way downstairs to the main entrance and waited for Ochako, who arrived shortly after me.

"Hey Tsu!" She greeted me, running toward me and giving me a big hug, which I happily returned. "Hey Ochako. It's been a while since it was just the two of us hanging out, ribbit." I giggled 

"Yeah, with us both happily dating, and school only just letting out for the summer, and the whole 'taking out your boyfriend's evil family' we've been kinda busy." She replied. It stung, the fight was tough, and the act was painful for me, but I could tell it hurt (Y/N) more. 

Ochako must've noticed I was looking depressed, as she quickly moved on. "What matters is we are hanging out now. I've missed this. All of us girls just hanging out, or even just us. It's been too long. Now, let's get some coffee, then pick up some stuff."

"Yeah. I like that idea." I agreed. We starting off down towards the coffee shop, talking and catching up when we heard a woman cry out in terror. "Someone help me! That man stole my purse."

We look up and see a lizard-like creature climbing up the side of a building. I looked at Ochako and we nodded. I wrapped my tongue around her and readied to throw her, until a mysterious green gas followed the criminal up.

It engulfed the villain, and I lost sight of them. I looked down in disappointment. "Hey, it's ok Tsu. Don't worry." Ochako says, comforting me with head pats. I look at her and smile until suddenly, a bolt of electricity shot through the cloud, striking the thief, sending them crashing to the ground.

A small group of us gathered around the fallen villain, slowly getting up. One of us was a masked person, who slowly walked up towards him. "Well then, you gonna get up? Or is that it?" The masked person teased.

The voice was deep, too deep for a normal person. And somewhat robotic too. 'Whoever this was is probably using a voice changer.' I thought as the mocked thief slowly stood up, putting their fists up.

"Ooo. That's mistake number two. Bring it." The lizard man charged at the masked hero, but they just sidestepped and chopped their neck. As the lizard man tries getting up, the masked person delivers a perfect axe kick, one even (Y/N) would be jealous of. 

The villain doesn't resist and decides to stay down. The hero picked up the purse and handed it back to the lady, who instantly thanked her. "All in a day's work." They responded. They looked around at the crowd, but spent a little longer looking at me, before dashing off, disappearing from the crowd.

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