Chapter 42: Feeling Better

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(Your POV)

I woke up to see Tsuyu still sitting next to me. It may be just after 2am, but she stayed with me again, just to nurse me back to health. 'She really is the best girlfriend a guy could ask for. I'm so lucky.' I thought to myself, before gently squeezing her hand and kissing her head. I see her smile, and drift back to sleep.

I end up waking up a few hours later, seeing Tsuyu still there, but now awake. She noticed me waking up and smiled. "Morning sleepyhead. How you feeling? Ribbit." She croaked, her tongue drooping a little. 

I smile, squeezing her hand. "I'm feeling better. Thanks babe for so much help." I sit up and give her a big hug. "As much as I'd love for you to stay here, I think you should head downstairs, before you get in trouble. I suggested.

She looked kind of sad about that. "Hey, don't worry. Give me 15 minutes. I'll be down there shortly. I promise." That made her smile. She returned the earlier hug and made her way downstairs. 

I finished getting ready and started heading downstairs. I stop when I see Tsuyu talking to Mr. Aizawa and hide in the stairwell. "Well, if that's what you want Tsu, I won't stop you. I'll let All Might know so everything can be sorted out." He said, as he started walking to go outside.

'Crap, I missed most of it. I hope everything's OK. Eh. I'm sure it is. If it wasn't, she'd tell me." I thought to myself. I wait a minute before coming out from the stairwell when I'm greeted by a surprise hug from Midoriya, who I hip toss to the ground.

"Ow!" He said, landing with a thud. I help him up and pull him in for a bro hug. "You ok man?" I asked. "Yeah, just got the wind knocked out of me." He responded, smiling and returning the bro hug. I wasn't too worried about it though, as I know he's tough.

"Well Ochako, that's $10 you owe me." Jiro said, chuckling. Ochako sighed and pulled out a $10 bill and handed it to her. "Here. I was wrong." She admitted.

"Ochako thought I could surprise takedown you, so they ended up betting on it." Midoriya informed me, filling me in on the deal. "Ah, that makes sense." We chuckled.

I get hit by a flying hug from Tsuyu, who I greet with one back. She rests her head on my shoulder, as the other three in the room 'Awwww' at us, causing us to blush, her especially. 

"Hey (Y/N), can we talk a bit? Preferably in private." Tsu pulls me closer asking me. I take her hand, lacing our fingers. "Of course!" I turn to the others. "We're going to take a walk so we can talk in private, so I'll see you later."

They wave bye to us as we walk outside. We walk for a while until we reached the nearby park. We take a seat and I look deep into her eyes. "What's up Tsu?" I ask

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