Chapter 50: Secrets?

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(Tsuyu's POV)

"Hey Tsu, I'm needed for a few minutes, ok?" (Y/N) suddenly whispered. "Ok, love you." I whispered back. "Love you too. " He whispered again before kissing my cheek and walking to the side of the building. Next thing I know, I see Midoriya and Todoroki walk over to the side where (Y/N) went. 

Seeing as they wanted privacy, I walked towards Momo, dragging Ochako by the arm. "Come on." I whispered. Once we got there, I let go of Ochako’s arm. "Hey Momo, wanna chat for a bit?" I ask her. "Sure!" She responded, walking towards the grass to sit down. We join her by sitting as well.

"What was that about with the guys?" She questioned.  "Boys will be boys I guess." I guess, causing us to laugh. "So, what's up? You wanted to chat?" Momo asked, looking puzzled. 

"Honestly? I have a question for you. And look Ochako dead in the eyes when you answer." I tell her in a semi-demanding tone. "Ok?" She hesitantly responds before obliging, looking into Ochako’s eyes, who looks into Momo's. 

"What is the reason you took up Todoroki on the offer?" I ask. She chuckled. "It's a free vacation with some of my closest friends. Plus, my summer has been pretty uneventful so far. I haven't really done much so far. I would've been dumb to say no." She responded clearly. 

"Alright then, ribbit. I've got another question, so keep looking into her eyes." I informed her. She nods, so I ask her my real question. "Did you say yes because you like Todoroki?" I ask her, smiling. "Excuse me…what?" She asked, sounding a little annoyed. "You heard me. Look into her eyes and answer the question." I semi-demanded again.

She sighed before responding. "I like Todoroki, but not in the way that you're thinking. He's a great friend who's nice and smart. But I have no romantic feelings for him. Plus, you know if I like anyone, you girls would be two of the first people I tell. And yes, I would tell you, not keep it a secret while I dated them for a while." She informed us.

I turn to Ochako. "Well, is she telling the truth?" I asked her. She was always good at realizing crushes and romance related things. She was the one who pointed out the fact I liked (Y/N), though it was more obvious than this. She nodded. "It looks like she's telling the truth, though I'm not 100% confident. More like 90, maybe 95%. Enough to say I believe her."

I turn my attention back to Momo. "Alright then. Sorry for that." I apologize, looking down. I felt her lean in and hug me. "It's ok! Don't worry. You just wanted to ask me something. No need to apologize." She said, comforting me. I motion towards Ochako to lean in, which she does and we all embrace a big group hug.

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