The Letters from Feathers

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Dearest Friend, 
     I rarely ask for your hand in matters such as these, but the Empire has threatened our lands once more and I am looking to you and your organization for shelter. Those greedy-hearted fools can take our land, but it is our people I fear for. Many moons have passed since our brothers and sisters of the north were wiped out because of the empire and I will not stand by and watch as the Empire takes over and kills my people. I remember when you and I first met and our friendship gained your people their passage through our lands safely and into the unknown that you now live in. The Redwood Rebellion is truly something worth a marvel and in wonderment. Your sister would be proud of you Jackson, you are fighting for what is right and your sister never stopped that fight till she died. I do long for a day where no tear is shed due to the Emerald Empire's hate and war, and I hope I am there to see it. A day in which man, beast, creature, and all can live as one again. What hate they have spread and what terror they have borne as their own. We stood to help you, and now we require your aid dear Jackson. I have placed this letter in a book that is being shipped to you as to make it seem less suspicious as I know they have been stopping any postal they can. Take care.

                                                                               - G. Thornburrow

Dear Ms. Thornburrow,
       Thank you for the wonderful book, a nature book of all things, I must say you are still as smart as the day I met you. The Redwood Rebellion is more than happy to help you and your people but I do have some words about travel. There is another rebellion who have been chased out of their homes and is heading this way as well. I ask that you help them find their way here and that you inform their Captian, Piper, of our relationship. Use this letter as evidence and let them know that we are ready with open arms. I do hope this awful war ends as soon as it began.  It is hard enough to carry on without Emily...but I do hope her spirit guides you safely here. Emily adored you and your people, she never stopped thinking about the springs when the trees would bloom and the sun would set right over the canyon walls. She loved your sweet daughter and son too, I remember when we visited and made pies with you both... those little rascals never stopped pestering us to build a tent with them. I hope you and the others are both in good health, please make it here safely. 
                                               - Jackson D. Jones

Dear Jackson, 
            I am more than happy to keep an eye out for the other rebellion as we make our journey that way, the weather is far for now tho we are aware of incoming storms. We expect to reach you at the end of the week, we have planned to leave this evening. My dear flower and fox miss you, my friend, they were quite saddened at the news of your sister's death as was I and Ying...but I wish you joy and happiness now. She would want you to move on and continue to fight. I will gladly fight by your side if need be. I shall see you soon Jackson. 
                                                            - G. Thornburrow

The woman stood up and sighed as she took the letter and rolled it up before going over to the bird-like creature that sat outside, it was a rather large was a Roc in fact. She handed the letter to it as it looked down at her, "Take this to Jackson please, Once there stay there until I arrive...Alright?" she smiled as the Roc took the letter into its talons and gave a gentle shrill, nuzzling its beak against her head. She laughed softly and petted the large bird before kissing its head. "Go on Nuebulous... I will be there, I promise." With that the bird carefully turned away before going to the edge of the mountainous home and flying off into the sky, his brown and white wings beating against the wind and clouds as he became a dot on the horizon. 
    The woman sighed and wrapped herself softly in her shaw as a man soon came to her side, telling her that her children along with the rest of the village were ready to go. She nodded and soon followed him down the stair...taking one last look inside her home. The books that littered the shelves and the memories of happier time, oh the the things she would give to have her family and people safe. She held onto the locket that hung around her neck as she finally closed the door as if it was sealing a coffin. She continued down the steps and was met by two children hugging at her side, she smiled for their sake and hugged them back before continuing to walk along the trail and into the woods not far off. She felt a gentle breeze like a whisper, wrapping around her like a gentle reminder that it was truly time to move on. She did not look back a second time. Her blue feathers disapearing from veiw, vanishing into the wilderness...a home she had known long before she had ever had a roof. The Western Harpy hummed to her children as they walked, hand in hand...a familar tune her late mother had sung to her on stormy and dark days. 
    Gale Thornburrow had once had nothing in life but the feathers on her wings and the breath in her lungs, but now she had a family...and they were her home, where they went she would go too. She was not alone anymore, and she would fight to keep it that way. She would fight so that no one else should die for her. 

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