"Okay," Meredith said closing her eyes.

"We're almost there. Nice and Easy. You ready?" I asked.

"Yeah," Meredith said.

"Alright let's go. Nice and slow," Dylan said.

"You had to say you were going to die today," Cristina said as we began moving the gurney.

"I told you," Meredith said.


We got to the OR room and we were ready to operate.

"We're ready when you are," Dr Burke said.

"We're good. Meredith?" Dylan asked.

"Yeah," Meredith said with a scared look on her face.

"I'm going to extend the wound. When I cut the bleeding is going to intensify. If we're going to save Mr Carlson you have to pull the ammo out immediately," Dr Burke said.

"But remember remove it while keeping it as level as possible. Nice and easy. No quick movements. Level," Dylan said.

"Right level," Meredith repeated.

"You ready?" I asked.

"I uh ... ... Do I have a choice?" Meredith asked.

"You have to be ready," Dr Burke said.

"Yeah I guess," Meredith said.

"Scalpel," Burke said.

"I guess I'm ready," Meredith said.

"Fake it until you make it Grey," I said. Dr Burke extended the incision.

"I'm good. She can go," Dr Burke said.

"All right now Meredith," Dylan began. Meredith wasn't listening.

"Meredith. Hey. Tell me you're listening," I said softly.

"I'm listening," Meredith said with teary eyes.

"Wrap your hand around the nose cone," I said. She pulled her scrub mask down.

"George and Izzie shouldn't have to move out of the house," Meredith said.

"No. You hear me," I said.

"You should make sure. Make sure that they, that they get to stay in the house," Meredith said.

"Meredith. George and Izzie won't have to go anywhere I promise but I need you to do your part. I'm not going anywhere and you aren't dying today," I said.

"I can't! No. I can't. This is crazy. Burke, you gonna go? You go. All of you should go," Meredith said.

"Nobody's dying today, Grey," Dr Burke said.

"Grey, I know this is terrifying trust me I do. That bazooka ammo your holding gets pretty heavy and if you hold it for much longer you're going to get tired. So we need to get that out yesterday," I said.

"I can't," Meredith said.

"I'm asking you to trust me okay. It's just us here. I need your trust. I was good at my job in the army so I need you to trust me that I've got you," I said.

"I can't," Meredith said. "Trust issues,"

"Me too Grey. But I can trust myself enough for the both of us," I said. "I'm going to wrap my hand around yours okay?"

"Ok," Meredith said.

"Ok," I said wrapping my hand around Meredith's. We slowly started pulling out the bomb. She carefully handed Dylan the bomb once it was all the way out. I stepped over to Meredith and we both walked into the hallway. Just as we stepped outside the bomb detonated. Everything went black.


I managed to receive a few cuts and Meredith was sent to be checked out. I rode the elevator up with Burke and Derek. We walked out into a hallway of waiting colleagues. The Chief and his wife were at the front.

"Derek," Dr Burke said.

"Preston," Derek said.

"Gentlemen," I said.

"Sage," Dr Burke and Derek said at the same time. I walked through the crowd.

"Sage," Addison said. She pulled me into a hug. "Don't scare me like that. It's not funny,"

"I'm not going anywhere Ads. I'm sorry for scaring you," I said hugging her tightly. I looked over her shoulder.

"Tell her," Alex mouthed at me.

"Ads, I'm not going anywhere. I need you Montgomery. I love you and I need you," I said.

"I love you too," Addison said. "Come on let's go clean you up,"

"Meredith's in the intern showers," I said.

"We'll go to the attending's lounge," Addison said. She led me away and I sat on the couch holding an icepack to my ribs while Addison cleaned the dried blood from my head. "You've got a nasty cut on your head,"

"Does it make me sexier?" I asked. Addison smiled shaking her head at me.

"At least we know there's no lasting damage," Addison said as I leaned in for a kiss.


I walked out of the bathroom to find Addison laying in bed wearing my t-shirt.

"Did the bath help?" Addison asked.

"Yeah. It was very nice," I said climbing onto the bed. "You look hot in my clothes," Addison smiled.

"Your lawyer called and said they declined the settlement," Addison said.

"I'll deal with that in the morning," I said. Addison turned the tv on and we cuddled up.

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