"What is magic to you?" A voice said

'An ability that is able to do what normally isn't possible,'

"What sort of thing is magic to you?"

'Darkness, one that strikes you so quickly that you won't even realize what happened,'

"What do you want from magic?"

'To help me win,'

"Is that all?"


"Really? To win? Explain then, what is winning to you?"

'Winning is destroying the heroes. Whether it's by killing them or their dreams,'

"I see..."






I heard a voice calling me


It was Hestia.


"I was wondering when you were going to wake up!!! I've been calling you forever,"

I remembered the voice that was asking me questions

"Can you update my status real quick?"

"Sure! But don't expect anything to major, I just updated it a few days ago after all,"

That was what she said but after seeing it her eyes were in shock.


Magic: H-200

Just seeing this made a slight smile come across my face. My stats otherwise were nearly the same as when they were last checked so I wasn't worried about that.

"HOW?!" Hestia was still in shock.

"Mysterious..." I added

I quickly took off and went to the dungeon area again. I didn't know if Lily would still be there since I took a long time to get up, but when I came she was, her face seemed sad but brightened up when seeing me.

"Hello, Mr. Bell! I was worried you weren't coming today!"

"Haha...Sorry about that. Anyway, I got something and I want to test it out. So are you ready?"


It didn't seem like Lily would do anything else for right now. However I knew she would. Her eyes while still looking guilty and plus looking at me like a closer person in her life still valued the knife way too much.

When we made it into the dungeon we went down to the 7th floor where we found a group of Kobolds running at me.

I wanted to make sure no one was around and I found a pretty good spot.

there were 5 in total but all I said was "Shadow spikes,"

Instantly multiple Spikes pierced through the Monsters at breakneck speeds. 

Lily was in shock.

We went through and I kept testing my ability in new ways.

The first thing I noticed was that the closer I was to an enemy the more damage the spikes would do. Secondly is the fact that more light=Less damage. So fighting in the daytime and using this was practically useless regardless of how close I was. 3rd, I noticed that I couldn't summon Spikes through other people's shadows. So quick killings like that were impossible. Finally, the less spikes made the more damage.

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