Chapter 11 - Remembrance

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She was left out.

Yes, she was. She couldn't gather herself into one of the groups, or talk her way into things while all of them wore boisterous dresses and the men seemed like they would chomp her head off with the masks they were holding, some- some already had their masks stuck onto their outer eyes and noses, and most of them with a glass of wine in their hands.

Just once. Just this once she wanted to get rid of her feeling of awkwardness that settled in her as of the very moment. One time, just this once. When everyone seemed to be busy and she was alone at the sidelines as she watched Cain chattered with the other vampires, as she waited and hovered her eyes over the people- the vampires- his acquaintances, he called them, as he informed her quickly he had to be busy for awhile before he trudged over to them looking like the best of friends, while they waved over to him. Good for him.

They seemed like good people- she strayed her eyes away. And a decent amount of people, it was, and a whole lot of guests and masses which she observed, invited to the golden shimmering of chandeliered lights.

Look there.

Her mind spoke.

They seemed to stand frozen.

They were. She was sure, the longer they did, the more power they would absorb out of each other. It was a kind of a staring scenery before her. And she stared. They seemed to hold that kind of power. Royals. She wasn't sure what that even meant. All she knew, was that they were really powerful and each had magical abilities. They would at least contain some powerful, stash of magic inside of them. Trained royals raised and bred like none other- since they were born and until they've come of age to be immortals.

It was a terrifying thing to think about.

Standing- facing off of each other as if it was a stare to the death. They were so close, she wanted to just push them away from each other. As the room turned silent, a couple of chatters and tiny whispers here and there, but no one moved, as they were now the center of attention and everyone was looking at them. Right at them -at the center, them slightly standing off by the chandelier.

Nobody was paying attention.

Maybe for themselves. Nobody made haste, or making any attempt to include themselves in --or something to join their conversations or troubles.

They would just look away or ignore them altogether. It seemed like it was a natural thing.

Here, in the ball right as of now.

A long-stare. That they did, that they casted off one another - that was evident. And she was sure the longer that they did, the more of their power that they would absorb out of each other.

The other, stronger or weaker. It didn't matter. This would be insane. It would cause havoc and of a seeded atom planted inside the castle itself.

No matter how their status and of power.

And so she walked. Damn her purity. Or else she would feel all eyes would be On her. She walked. On her own. She hated herself for it, she knew. But she couldn't bite herself in the arm, nor in the neck.

She approached them as if she instantly broke them off. As they looked at her as she got close - the both of them. And she could only smile in sincere, for the latter, for the two of the women who instantly looked at her, which shocked her to the core. And she didn't know why she was walking, or approaching both of these women. And now she was also in the center of attention. The lot of them.
Their bright, bold colors seem to bore into hers. Their eyes, seem to be a rare color as if screwing with herself. It all seemed so beautiful, seemed to be a waste. They looked so kind and pretty.
And she didn't know what they were bickering about.

A Royal Pain in the Ball ✓Where stories live. Discover now