Chapter 20 - And Another

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"Are you sure, you don't want to come with me?" He asked.

"Yes, I am sure." She rested her weight on her fingers. "I wouldn't want to meet your clients in a weird way."

"Business partners." He corrected. "As he fixed his tie, this time, a red one compared to the blue, and it seemed better - gave him more color to his cheeks and skin tone.

As she observed him to be awfully young.

"What are you looking at?" He spun and she turned, cursing and wishing that her cheeks didn't turn red.

She turned away, her back felt cold against the wall. As she figured her warm cloth doesn't support thermal support. "Nothing." She added, "Don't forget anything while you're still in there." She spoke, left a parting message, before leaving the edges of the door and walking away. Hearing her footsteps treading the floor. And how she wished his brother would still be around, after the quick leave he took after patting her bruised area down, waving, on a horse carriage, giving her a boyish smile that she remembered after that. And that she didn't even ask for his his name.

"Hey." She heard a voice called out, and she turned.

To see him blink.

"If you wanted to come visit, just ask the concierge, okay?" He asked.

More of what it was a statement.

She shrugged. "Sure."

And it dawned on her that they did have a steamy moment a couple of times. Her hair ruffled, her clothes jumbled and how her body felt warm against the pressure and touch of his - own two hands, and that she would never ask to visit him while he was away.

As she walked quickly to pass the hallway. And slammed the door shut.

And it had been a few days since then. Maybe 2. As she sipped her cup of tea, bringing the cream porcelain cup to her lips. She felt calm, but them aggravated.
What was she supposed to do while he was away? She didn't have a bucket list, long and written for her to do for fun and adventure, and release her boredom.

She put the cup down. It seemed that the world had stopped and time had been frozen when he left. As she started at the sky. Maybe she should fill a bucket of water and throw it at his face when he arrived at home, see how that goes.. She trailed off, and her eyes flew open when she woke up. Shaking her head, and reminding her not to do silly stuff, or else she could be thrown into prison, or eaten.

She sighed, leaned back against her chair which she deemed a bit too tough and not comfortable to sit onto.
She couldn't help herself but wanting to
meet him. Maybe visit him with a teleport -but it wasn't urgent. As she popped a tiny tart into her mouth, and it felt sublime as she could taste the strawberry and tiny honey pops in her taste buds.

As she swallowed.

She could hear a set of footsteps coming down to her side.

"Madam, are you enjoying your day?" The man in bald and the butler in a suit who greeted her when she first arrived, appeared.

"Yes, well, in a way." She smiled, "When did you think he would be coming back?" She questioned, looking up at his stricken, blue eyed eyes and he returned.

"I don't know yet. It might be for a few more days. If he got his work quickly done." He still got a hand on the left of his below shoulder.

She smiled, nodding in his direction, returning her gaze to the front. All she remembered were the bushes being big and frothy, and they seemed bigger than they were. To which she ignored.

And all the other things that she thought she would do during the whole day. She ignored. As it seemed brazen and a bit too repetitive for her liking. As she sat down on the same chair she had been sitting since the morning.
She had done everything she could inside the room, used every kind of toiletries he provided, explorrd every area of space inside the house. Explored outside of the house and tasted every treat imaginable by the chefs andaiden brought to her room.

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