Chapter 40 - Heart Break

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She, at the moment was still in the library. Surprisingly.

She spent her time reading the words, and after that that Cain insisted that she was a whole wrong of it. Which she had to explain a whole lot again to him, which she felt she, in times had won with most of the things. With words.

Explaining what she had read so far. And he seemed bewildered at her information. And she also remembered, that he explained, a whole other herbs that existed, to which she discovered he was that much of a knowledgable pro regarding to it.

How the houses killed each other, which he scornly laughed at how horrific, horrifyingly she had explained it in such weird words. Which she fiercelt blushed at. And Cain claiming to explain that it was some sort of a 'claim of land' sort of thing.

And everything is involved from thejr political standrights, the rights of the civilized people, jurisdiction, the food, and also a number of system in each of the town itself, to in a defenseless manner, Averithe said that they all sought the same thing, to increase the member of their cults; the people, and the number of vampires.

To which it slightly brought a shiver down her spine when she did. And Cain raised an eyebrow at her as if she was crazy. She pouted at the book.

And nonetheless the time had passed since they argued, whether they 'actually were 'cruel or kind.' To which Averithe persuades and had seemingly won over, a fisted hand, scratch that, both fisted hands up in the air and moments later found herself embarrassed by the sudden work. And she in turn reminded her own self of a mind to be careful next time.

And of a fact that they existed until the time of now, and hadn't existed if they were such cruel 'vampires. That did it for him.

She brought out a victorious smile as Cain slightly let an invisible, disapproving pout at her, to which she clearly see that he was trying to hide it. As the disappointed look still etched on his face, he dragged his chair back and said that he had some business to do. And left.

Now, she was left all alone.


And at the moment that she had of no company, she was now sitting on the coffee table of his study room. Or she might as well call, the royal library.

It'd been one hour since then, and she felt that time was going a little bit too slow. She decided that she just wanted to spend a little bit more time on the books.
She promised.

She had told him. To a point that he disagreed on her studies, but she insisted. She didn't have anything much to do for the rest of the day. And backing out seemed a whole lot of no for her at the moment.

Before he closed on the door before him and heard his pattered footsteps disappearing down the hallway.

She was left to sigh. She didn't know what to do with that man.

She glanced back to her book.
Now alone, at peace. After a good 3 minutes, she couldn't read no more, and closed the book.


She dragged herself away from the table to return the book back to its place. Maybe she should just get a snack out of the kitchen, munch on it and visit his workplace or something.

Until something caught her eye. As she slid the book back in the rack, there was a slightly auburned, and misplaced section on the wall that seemed out of place. While everywhere else seemed to be a brick red, this one seemed to be an Auburn yellow, a yellow of a brick red. And it stood out, and as she came closer, it had a shape of a door. A normal-sized door, just different light shade of color.

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