Chapter 17 - His Party and Anniversary

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"No." She stated.

"I just want you to commemorate and announce your name." He seethed.

She turned her back towards him halfway and it made him seethe even more when she didn't answer.

"How could you leave me there, standing like a lunatic wearing just a dress when I am in fact looking different from the rest of them?" She mumbled.

"I didn't know, okay. No one told me about it. They must've changed the script." He ruffled a swish of his hair. Just when she turned and caught him doing his action. To which she didn't respond to.

"You must know about it, you're the one holding the party." She turned her back.

"Hey, I'm not the one who appeared really mysteriously, magically whoozy about standing on a podium. I didn't even feel anything- well, it was bright and all-" he mumbled, "But you could've hold on to it for a couple of seconds."

"A couple of seconds, I stood 15 minutes on that little stair!" She almost shouted.

And thank goodness it was just the seethe in her words or the lack of oxygen in the air that didn't catch anyone's attention, or a fact that they were alone despite the fact that it was Cain's party.


She would've gotten lost from running, or maybe he wouldn't care. Or receiving the stares of the people and he wouldn't
be mysteriously present by her side. To distract her, or maybe hold her hand. Or a fact, that he seemed to handsome in that suit. Or maybe for a fact that she wanted to just change his suit to a normal, casual outing for a party. Something in formal, white or cream, she may presume.

Well, it is his anniversary and party.

"I did not kidnap you. You were the one who wanted to stay here in the first place." He whispered, almost breaking his voice. It seemed a little bit too loud for her eardrums.

"I asked you to take me home, but you didn't, so what do you want to say- ?" She asked, in a reply towards her sentence, which she clearly doesn't have a following reply after that.

"We do not. Have this conversation." He spun and turned to look at her.

"I just want you to make an appearance. I can't appear alone, and I clearly said that I would have a partner with me."

"I do not want to present myself in front of your business partners." She seethed. Involuntary took a step forward, as she didn't want to make a scene, and playing it as naturally as possible.

"Come on, I already said you your name, you must appear yourself." He grabbed tight on her arm. "At least, say your name. And I'll take your leave and go."

It was warm.

She looked up at his eyes. Green shade that looked to be pretty sad.

"Master Cain we are so happy to see you." One of the man in moustache greeted.

He grabbed her by the arm and turned the other way. She followed, her footsteps crackled against the cobbled pathways as she followed his foot. The heels crunching as she hurrily decided to follow along his lead, a type fo where she could pace up to his footsteps, or she would fall.

And maybe crumble, and dirty her dress, and embarass herself in front of the whole community.

He was left dumbfounded, she presumed, as she took a side glance at the alone-standing man, as she was walking practically being dragged by the man whom she presumed was romantic. And a hopeless idiotic kid.

They walked on the gravel as they escaped. Fast-paced, the crunches felt warm to her ears as she could only feel being on a run away from the guests of the party- the guests of doom.

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